Got tagged by lovely dA writer Drool-in-terror. tought my journal post there had already grown out of boundery ^^
1. Do you like animals?
Well, yeah. Wolves, foxes and other animals connected to the 'dark' are my favorites. and mythological/fantasy animals!
I do not, however, like monkeys of any kind. *shudder*
2. Have you ever met an online friend in person?
Naw, not yet at least. I wanna meet most of them =D almost anyone would be welcome, so if you're visiting Sweden, give me a call!
3. Are you athletic?
Durr, not really. well, okay, I do enjoy working out so hard that my muscles ache afterwards, and I like to run, even is I never do it. I hate sports thought. I wanna do it because it's fun, not to win or anything...
4. Are you: thin, fat, athletically built etc:
I'm perfect, thankyouverymuch.
5. How much do you weigh?
exactly as much as I should concerning my height, not much so to speak.
6. What's your height?
163 cm. Bugs me because one of my friends are 165 and she ceases every moment to tease me about it ;P
7. Shoe size?
38... not sure about international sizes, 5 perhaps?
8. Girls - are you tomboyish, girly, normal, etc?
Durr... I used to be a tomboy (my closet contained a pair of baggy jeans and t-shirt bought from the boys section), but now I'm very much female. I love mah bwebs very much. I am alternative in my clothing style, altought healthily so. click ze link --> the middle one is me today, and the one with black hair is me two years ago ^^
10.How old are you?
17, mature but very childish =D
11. When is your birthday?
5th of march! oh yeah
12. Do you like to receive giftart?
yesh please ;D
13. Are you sociable?
yah, if I don't get to be around people I like for long periods of time, I grow weirder than should be allowed. I need people around me, I do enjoy my alone time thought, just not in large quantaties.
14. Do you have many friends?
I have more friends today then I had one year ago, and I love them all *pets*
15. What's your race?
Scandinavian, through and through. Pale skin, blonde hair and gray eyes. I even have some samish blood, thus true northlander >_>
16. Do you like to talk on the phone?
Yeah, but mostly I prefer to either write to the person or speak directly. since I'm a very sarcastic person and use my face to express loads of things, which I can't do over phone. the computer have smileys!
17. Are you single or taken?
Single, but I know that there someone whos into me. don't think there'll become anything of it, cause we don't share intrests at all... :|
18. Do you eat meat?
Oh yeah! fried Pork is on my toplist! right before BBQ grilled meat, like it spicy.
19. Are you paranoid?Are you serious? I choose shoes depending on how I feel, cause with one pair, I can kick of their legs (steel-cap FTW!), but with the other pair, I can run faster... and then we have the ones which makes my legs look good :3
20. Do you read a lot?
Nowdays I almost only read on the computer, a.k.a. fanfics, but I do love reading normal books too! when I was younger (10ish) I could read about 10 books a week. mostly because I didn't have any friends to spend time with *sigh*
Going to finish reading wassitcalled Divina Comedia (Dantes inferno) by Dante Aligheri during the summer ^^
21. Do you listen to music, what kind?
What ever strikes my fancy, right now I'm playing Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm and Red Flag - Billy Talent on repeat. Played them 24 times each ^^; Other days, I can listen to silly songs like Eat Grandpa's Dookie. Seriously, I have 788 items in my iTunes library, and I have them on shuffle everytime I'm on the computer, which is just about every day ^^;
22. Do you play any instruments?
Naw. I have played thought, but I never showed up on the lessons, so it fizzled out.
23. How long have you been drawing?
I've drawn since I was small (which kid havn't?), but I started drawing like crazy when I was around 9. And when I turned 16, I decided to learn loads of stuff so that I could grow better at it.
I write too, occsionally. Usually something witty... :3
24. What's the meaning of life?
Durr, I belive the answer was 42... I however, don't think theres any specific meaning to it, I mean, why would it? O_o
Not tagging anyone else, to lazy to do that ^^;