Giveaway Summary post 7 {[winners choice]}

Mar 21, 2013 20:31

*sigh* I did it again. Sorry it's late guys.


Congratulations to mrs_koki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!!! by use of a random number generator you are this last months lucky winner!
If you are curious, the above picture is the one I went and picked then sent off.
(warning: as always this is media heavy.)

My Entry!
 I really really enjoyed the last theme. Even though I didn't end up having the time at hand to properly comment on everyone's posts, I went through and read them all carefully. Isn't it amazing how much simple words from our idols can affect our lives. As for my entry I was pleasantly surprised when harukana_linzi used the exact quote I had intended to use.

Bias: Shige
Favourite Quote:

Flail About it: I honestly have trouble putting into words just how much I love this quote. Shige's way of viewing the world and his ability to express these things in words perfectly describes beauty to me. He has a deep understanding about the world, and for his words I respect him so very very much. This quote is what reminds me to take in the world around me, to not simply be. It reminds me to stop and take in the scenery, the people around me, the happiness, the sadness. We all get caught up in our own lives and forget to stop sometimes, but due to this quote I like to think I have become better attuned to life in general. It's actually likely that this quote can be applied to the moment at which I decided to start these giveaways.
Shige and his power to write is amazing. Anything he writes, I want to be able to read, and so right now, my current aim with language study, is to be able to read his books. At that point I will be satisfied with my level of understanding.

The Summary!
You may have noticed above that I turned my quote into a picture. Well I ended up doing that with all the quotes. Where I was given a source for the quote I added in the crediting, but was unable to do so for those quotes without a source. Because of this, I didn't want to further take away anyone's hard work by also stealing pictures, so all the backing images are my own. I don't mind you using the images, but please keep in mind those two points.


Only fair to kick it off with this months winner. mrs_koki submitted this quote, pointing out Koki's many facetted personality. "he's a deep thinking kinda guy who's honest with himself and others." A point which I completely agree with. I hope that his influence continues to inspire you throughout your life.

is_kazuchan had fun with her flail I believe. The above quote is hers.

But in terms of amusing entries, I think this one takes the cake. dream_air made me laugh for a good 10 minutes or so with her button mash flail about Junno's gag line. And then I directed Beth to go look at it and we both laughed together. Hahahaha EPIC!

You may or may not recognise this as the quote of Junno's I used as my example entry. I didn't think it was fair to leave it out of the summary because it really is a dear quote to me. I often think on it, and I believe that I am an almost annoyingly positive person because of it. I am so much more accepting of the world, and more willing to try hard, despite knowing that my luck in general is akin to Shige's.

kashiwashipashi said that she finds herself relating to Maru, especially when he says amusing things such as above. She was right in saying that Nakamaru's true uncool nature appears in situations of cowardliness for our dear scaredy-cat. Though personally, I find his uncool personality endearing, I sometimes wish he was more willing to show it, not just in moments such as this. To be able to unashamedly admit to your uncool self, yep I respect that.

pandanyan shares Ueda's views on cheating and so names this as her favourite quote. Though I think it's important to mention her "anything else" section in which she pointed out another favourite quote from Ueda.  Everyone behold.... an amazing Ueda quote:

image Click to view

I very nearly made a picture quote with "Ah" ---Ueda Tatsuya..... but in the end decided against it hahaha.

kimidori_san quoted Ueda from 2009 and pointed out Ueda's focus on personal growth in general rather then focussing on specific targets. It really is a testament as to how much he has grown as a person to be able to say that in the first place. With this thinking Ueda, you will never stop improving yourself as a person.

I have to admit, of all the KAT-TUN quotes above (minus my own pick of course) this one is my favourite. I had actually not read this quote before alotlessloser used it for her entry. The more I read it, the more amazing I think it is. It's true that we all lie, and that Ueda lies often according to him, but I think this is what we should all be considering as we go to do it. I think in a way you can read it as the lie itself making the opposite person happy, but if one carefully considers how the other will feel if they found that you had in fact lied, if they are able to not be disappointed then, that is when the lie is truly white. Thank you very much for informing me of this quote, I have very much enjoyed pondering over it.

I only just realised as i uploaded these, that all of NEWS quotes are accompanied by flower pics. Just a random observation. Didn't do that on purpose.

pumpkiiin submitted this quote, expressing her feels for Koyama's words. I honestly think that our boys said a lot of wonderful things around that time... of the change in members up until the end of the con last year. The boys encourage us with their will power to work hard for the NEWS we all love and treasure. I really do agree, Kei-chan makes a wonderful leader.

enjoythecrisis2 Submitted a quote from Massu that was directed at Ryo-chan and Pi. Ah all these NEWS quotes are making me teary.
I think this quote makes me happy for a slightly different reason. For some reason I always knew they would be alright, maybe it was just wishful positive thinking but I wasn't worried. But I understand how this quote made you relieved for the NEWS that was to be.
For me though, I see this quote as an understanding/forgiving or not even that, just an acknowledgement of them them that was and how it will always be a part of them. Knowing that they wouldn't completely discard their past, I was so very relieved. NEWS are so strong. So very very strong.

Further proven by haruka_chan1111's Tegoshi quote.Nothing needs to be said about it. The quote in itself says it all.
Saying what we all know and think Tegoshi, and expressing it so much better then any of us could.

leitoph has found confidence through Tegoshi. Such a good quote to look to and focus on.
I actually used one of my fav pics with this one because I really really do like this simple, yet perfectly relevant quote. We know he hides it a lot, but Tegoshi is a hard thinker, and it's times like this that I can see just how wise our little terror is.

Yeah too lazy to put them in other categories tehe.

lylith_santos Has Jin to wipe away all her tears. Sorry about the typo... I'm only noticing it now and am too lazy to change it *bows* forgive me. It's nice though, that Jin's words are true for you. That he makes you smile no matter what. That's a wonderful wonderful thing.

I'll admit, I'm really not much of a Kitayama fan, but after the two quotes submitted for this giveaway, I feel I have gained a small amount of respect for his words. moreliana submited the first, and recalls the moment she first heard it so clearly, as the moment in which she took charge of her life.

The second Kitayama quote was from stephaniejsc. This is yet another amazingly simple quote that made me stop and think. How very very true it is. I know that you informed me of this having been a quote Ktayama heard and adjusted for himself, but there is a magic also in that. To be able to understand someone's ponderings and make them your own and pull those words into the way you live your life. It makes me smile.

I'm running a bit out of steam, so I'm sorry if the next couple sound rushed or lame, I'm really not thinking about what I'm typing. treiale submitted Yamapi's strong words. What is there to say really. When Pi truly speaks from the heart it tends to make one melt a little and gain courage. His soft and gentle nature is enough to make you want to squish him so tightly and shower him with love.

super_linh was touched by Ohno.... not like that!
She was touched by his words ok!!
and back to being serious. It's a wish and a desire shared by both the members and the fans. But to hear the leader of your group actually mouth the words that all cling to. Getting emotional by that makes perfect sense. Though.... I'm a NEWS fan so it hits home pretty strongly for me.

Finally at the last Quote, and what a wonderful way to end it. hunnypooh submitted a passage, again from the loveable Riida Ohno himself. I actually quoted this to a friend just recently, seemed relevant at the time. But in general I think this one applies to us all. It takes some time to really get to that point in which you are happy so long as you try, but once you are there the world opens up for you.

I really hope you have taken the time to at least read over all the quotes, because I feel so warm inside after having read them all myself. Our idols, no matter who they are, have the ability to inspire in the words that they say. They have words enough to give us courage, to make us want to strive harder, to take int he world around us, to further explore ourselves in this world. Through their words we can in turn gain the opportunity to inspire others. I really have enjoyed this challenge particularly, so thank you all for participating.

March Giveaway
I'm thinking I should stop naming these by month, and just go with the number. That way when I'm as late as I was this time... I can start the next one without everyone being painfully aware of how long it took me.
Oh well.

Anyways... I kind of forgot to get a photo yesterday when I was at the JE shop. I really am enjoying the variety of entries when I make it a "chose your bias" shop photo as the prize though. What do you think? oooo I know I'll add a poll to this.


Sorry it's not really worded well, but those that have been following my giveaways for a while will understand. If you don't then you are welcome to look at my giveaway tag in my journal. You'll notice that before the last 2 giveaways, the photo to be one was put up at the beginning of the giveaway, rather then being chosable upon winning.

Next giveaway should be up tomorrow or the next day.

ok that's all
Thank you all for reading as always.

Peace xx

photo giveaway summary

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