round 2: info

Dec 08, 2010 12:51

Hi! Here are the themes for the second round here on efron20in20» RULES:
» Only the participants can submit their icons.
» The icons you'll post mst be made new, by you and acording to the table and info i'm giving you now.
» Your icons must be public until the voting ends.
» When you upload your icons to this community you must subject your entry with: ROUND 2 - YOUR USERNAME (plain text) and public three teasers icons and a link to your posting location where your icons'll be.
» Don't worry about the tags, I'll handle this.
» If you like a participation banner just say it in your entry.
» DEADLINE: January 4th at midnight in your timezone.

number journal posting location status 1 brkfstattiffs12 brkfstattiffs12 pending 2 sydneydaile d_ambiguity complete 3 stay_tuned_4 wildchildicons pending 4 azzy_michelle stagefright_xx complete 5 sonasha joyfulwaltz pending 6 jenmixelle jessiechase pending 7 reich_2 bli_mey pending 8 thatdamnkiss heartattack87 complete 9 n_iinza uvegotmesewn complete 10 letsgetcrazy_21 letsgetcrazy_21 complete

NOTE: the participants stay_tuned_4 & azzy_michelle will be posting their icons on sketchy_mirror besides the posting
location mentioned in the table.


These time, the challenge will have fifteen (15) themes and five (5) category icons, it's an idea i've seen in several 20in20 communities :)

15 themes: Bottom, Center Crop, Photoshoot, Festive*, Hair, Name, Laugh, Blur*, 4 squares*, Texture, In Character*, Close Up, Rotate, Internet Slang, Not 100x100.

Festive: interpretative, you can put a Santa hat on his head, or whatever.
Blur: Most of the icon must be blur, this is my example:

4 squares: the icon must be cut in four squares, they don't have to be exactly the same size, this is my example:

5 category: 2007. 5 icons featuring photos of Zac during the 2007.

If you have any doubts, just comment this entry.


BottomCenter CropPhotoshootFestiveHair
NameLaughBlur4 squares Texture
In CharacterClose UpRotateInternet SlangNot 100x100

5 CATEGORY - 2007

Cat #1Cat #2Cat #3Cat #4Cat #5

!mod post, info: round 2, round: 2

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