This whole episode seemed like such a waste of time! The Clark/Doomsday epic fight of mythos lasted what...five minutes? Then Davis the serial killer kills Jimmy and its revealed at the funeral that 'Jimmy's' little brother is supposed to be the real Jimmy Olsen? God - and where the frak has Lois been?! She gets a convo with the RBB, a fight with Clark, a fight with Tess and then she's whisked off to who knows when?! UGH!
Though the Clark at the end? The broken, cynical, angry man? I like him. I could do with a season of him trying to become the hero we all know and love AND he's going to need Lois to do it. Hopefully, Lois went to the future and will come back with inside knowledge of Superman that will push future hubby in the right direction. The catch being that she can't come right out and tell him.
ZOD?! Didn't we do Zod? Sure that was Lex!Zod, but come on! AH!
Why couldn't Chloe have bitten it?! God damn, I was so pissed at her during that last scene! "Why didn't you come to me, Clark? I needed you!" Not even taking into account that her cousin is missing! And the 'love of the her life' is dead along with that other love of her life! I'm so sick of her bullshit! Plus, the whole 'who killed Jimmy' debate - um...Chloe! She thought she could save Davis, she dumped Jimmy, she jerked them both all around and then tried to take everything back. *stomps feet*
Overall, not a very good finale. I would've rather had 'Bride' be the season finale!