Title: Fall in the Light (1/2)
eggbluePairing: Dean/Castiel
Disclaimer: Supernatural, Dean, and Castiel are not belong to me.
Rating: R
Word Count: 1200
Notes: Written for the Merry Month of Masturbation Challenge 31-Day Fic-a-thon, for which this is fic #4. SPOILERS FOR 4.20!
Summary: How the new testament of the angels comes to be. (Thanks to racestaffer, the best spec brain ever! She's a genius!)
Castiel has read the Winchester gospels many times. He has spent many hours watching the gospel’s subjects, and discussing what’s to come with the Prophet, Chuck, and his guardian Archangel --
The guardian archangel just waiting for Dean to have faith and pray for the rapture.
Michael - brother of Lucifer, warrior of Heaven, most beloved, most beautiful of the most beautiful.
Michael, waiting for the hunter to take up his golden sword and slay the unfaithful.
As it was written by the Prophet, Chuck.
Castiel believes this is as it should be, because this is what is written, and what is written is the Word.
What he doesn’t know is what it is all supposed to mean.
He reads the Word in books. He scans speech, written, spoken, uploaded, printed. He reads what others have to say about the gospel. He looks for signs and symbols.
Most of all, he watches the gospels unfold.
And then one day, he appears in the books too. He becomes a central character in the Winchester gospel. He wonders if one day he will have a book of his own, a gospel for an angel.
The first angel gospel.
All because of Dean.
But no. Castiel does not read the story beforehand. He does not know the prophecies. He is not worthy. It is not his place. The angels serve, they do not write the story. He does not know what is to come.
So he looks backwards, searching for the truth in the Winchester gospels.
He has found several truths, many of them strange:
Dean’s eyes have the power to pierce through the huddle of masses and change individual hearts by force of will.
The proper way to live involves long drives to nowhere, economy hotel rooms, daily sessions of masturbation, convenience food breakfasts.
Also, beer.
If Hell exists on the Earthly plane, it would be cold eggs in a diner at 4 A.M.
The food called “pie” has special significance as yet to be determined.
Also, pornography. Often reality resembles a genre of clichés meant to be erotic, dramatic, or both. This might have meaning.
Probability statistics do not hold true in the Winchester gospels.
The angel named Castiel is supposed to be regretfully in love with Dean. The hunter named Dean is ashamedly in love with Castiel.
Humans often have their most vulnerable moments while standing next to soda machines.
Those who are not righteous will be named dicks and douchebags.
There are hidden messages in Led Zeppelin songs.
Humans make the worst monsters. Demons lie, most of the time. Angels are huge dicks.
The greatest enemy of evil is not righteousness; it is family. The greatest enemy of family is not evil; it is jealousy. Family can stand up against the forces of Heaven and Hell. Family is rarely shown mercy…
Many of these truths hold true as time passes. Castiel watches.
He watches as Heaven itself comes after him, tears him away from Dean and throws him across the world until he is called back home.
He watches his home, his eternal beautiful home, turn against him. It is the purest loss he’s ever known.
He watches as his human vessel cries, horrified, lost, in front of his family. He watches him try to hide his faithlessness, tries to keep his family from the horrible truth for as long as he can. He watches and he sees the moment where the human Jimmy curses the angels for the first time. Curses his name.
He watches himself turn away from Dean. With effort. He doesn’t watch Dean staring after him, utterly lost.
He watches the Apocalypse coming. He watches Lucifer rise. He watches as Dean accepts his role. When he does, a howling light surrounds them. When he opens his eyes, Dean is wearing a tuxedo, a white scarf hanging over his neck and down across his chest, a pair of shiny black shoes, and no expression in his eyes. Heaven’s greatest weapon, incarnate. A golden sword hanging beneath his black coat.
He watches himself, terrified, horrified, fall to his knees. He watches himself praise the archangel Michael in his awesome glory. He watches the awesome glory cut the demon Ruby in two without a word.
Sometime later, the archangel Michael is gone, and what is left of Dean is with him.
Castiel sees Sam turn to him, asking for mercy but not expecting it. “Let’s go get your brother,” is what he says in return.
So they do.
It takes many months of following the wrath of the archangel as he searches for his brother, many months before they can find a way to save Dean. There is always blood. There are hollowed-out eyes. There are black holes where tongues used to be. They find no mercy. The demons are slowly being dispatched from the world, the human souls burned like moths where they stand.
Lucifer does not bring the Apocalypse. Michael brings the Apocalypse.
And he uses Dean, uses him after a lifetime of using him. It will never be enough. It will never end.
Cas begins to understand why Jimmy Novak isn’t grateful. He begins to hate being an angel, almost as much as he had loved it.
Castiel loved being an angel like a dog loves his master. He would have done anything. If only asked. If only asked.
He knows torture. He knows regret. He knows death. He imagines the archangel pointing his golden sword at his chest, and he welcomes it, the way he can only welcome death, after what Heaven’s done. But he also sees Dean’s golden green eyes empty of mercy. It’s then he stops.
It’s Sam that saves them in the end. Sam alone has the power to overcome an angel of Heaven or Hell, and Sam alone has no loyalty to either side, no more prejudices. In that way, Dean has saved his brother. In that way, Dean has saved Castiel too.
When Dean looks out through his own eyes again, Castiel is watching. Then Castiel cannot watch him any longer. He is ashamed of what he is and yet he cannot tear out his grace. He cannot bear to face Dean with it or without it. Dean who knows what he is now. Dean and his awful knowledge of the angels.
Dean kisses him. It’s the Dean that he remembers and loved to watch. It’s Dean with all of the grace and mercy he has always had in his heart. Dean makes a promise to him if he falls. Behind his promise is all of the loyalty of an angel and a human stripped bare. Without manipulation, without fear.
Dean is over 70 years old. Castiel is many thousands of years old. For the first time, they fall in love.
Part II