Title: To Change This Lonely Life (masterpost)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Dean, Sam/Castiel, Sam/Dean/Castiel
Disclaimer: Supernatural and characters are not belong to me.
Warnings: weirdness, threesomes, gang bangs, lesbians, Florida, Wincest, voyeurism, slutty angels, some OMCs and one OFC, all with less angst!
Word Count: ~24,000
thevinegarworks Spoilers: Up through 4.22 finale
A/N: (see part 4)
Summary: Sam and Dean wait out the apocalypse in the American South, though Sam can’t help but wonder if he’s Hell’s evil savior, or just evil. Castiel tries to reform Paradise and save the world, one kinky angel at a time. Dean remakes his heart and tries to save all of the above, as usual.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4