Title: First Dibs Genre: PWP, SEMI(tame)non-con Pairing/Characters: PeonyxLuke Rating: Undoubtedly NC-17 Summary: What he wants, he gets. Perks of being Emperor.
ADORABLE. I've always had a secret soft spot for PeonyxLuke (like Tear and her cute things hahha) and this totally fits the bill for how I imagined it--Peony being (casually) initiative and Luke being ... well, Luke. Hahha.
I loved how Peony just went right on ahead with what he was doing, and poor Luke's reactions ... but my favorite part was possibly the beginning when Luke didn't realize where he was and when he tripped over the books.
The best part was the last sentence or two and Luke screeching, "BASTARD!" 8D
Comments 2
I loved how Peony just went right on ahead with what he was doing, and poor Luke's reactions ... but my favorite part was possibly the beginning when Luke didn't realize where he was and when he tripped over the books.
The best part was the last sentence or two and Luke screeching, "BASTARD!" 8D
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