Title: Just A Little Broken
Pairing/Characters: AschxLuke
Genre: Emo fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Pitifully short ficlet between Asch and Luke in the middle of the night. Asch muses, Luke annoys him and then makes him feel secretly warm and fuzzy, as usual.
He made things sound so simple...it was infuriatingly endearing. )
Comments 2
Man, Asch is so ... withdrawn. Would it really kill him to let more people get closer to him? If I were him, I sure as heck wouldn't want to be doomed to obscurity.
... and Luke made me sad :( But fluffeh emo angst is always good, no? Hahah.
I dunno...I think Asch is actually a really fragile person. He's afraid to let people close, and his defense against that is to be an absolute bastard. He's bitter, and upset and feels cheap and used, and that's bad considering he was a pompous little kid, but is still such a kind person.
Asch is a great psychology case. I love writing muse for him.
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