LOLLLLL OMG SHO XDDDDDD HAHAHAHA thats epic XD i really hope there was a video camera filming for the making of near by that caught that XD but im glad you werent hurt at all bb haha but seriously, in his butler outfit too XD hahaha so fail XD LMAO
WHOA, that cat is adorable. And I love the name Kisetsu for her character. What kind of job was the interview for? I know how you feel...I've only ever had one-on-one interviews and I had good feelings about them pretty much every time, but I went on two interviews last week that were my first ever true group interviews and it was difficult to make a connection with the managers and I know that they're interviewing a lot of people for only a couple of positions at each place, so it's really odd. I'm waiting to hear whether or not I got a one-on-one interview at either store (Barnes and Noble and The Disney Store.) I hope you wind up getting your job!
aww thank you~ ^^ the job is for a web design job, but it's an office job so a little different than I am used to.. o_O;; I hope you get the job/s you interviewed for too!! I think the Disney store would totally fit you XDD Barnes and Noble, too, but Disney.. I dunno you just remind me of Disney!
Comments 46
May I re-translate this to spanish?
XD poor Sho-chan luckily he didn't injure himself!!
( ... )
Thanks for translating!! Good luck with the job!!! :Db
Crossing my fingers for both of us!
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