....hi?... and... thanks a trillion!!
May 5 2009, 21:40:08 UTC
Thanks a lot, Rene, for uploading such amazing photos!! (I've been reading you for a while (well... quite a lot of time, in fact), but I'm a bit shy so I never said "hi" ^^U). Anyway... I LOVE your work!!! I really enjoy ALM, and reading your LV makes me smile and discover your land (I'm from Catalonia (Spain), and in the Mediterranean we don't see snow often... it's like a miracle or something lol).
By the way, your last comic strip in here... the best one.
InannaPilgrim (sorry, I have to post as anonymous because OpenId doesn't work properly with me :-/)
Comments 15
By the way, your last comic strip in here... the best one.
InannaPilgrim (sorry, I have to post as anonymous because OpenId doesn't work properly with me :-/)
We were really fortunate to catch this actually. It melted so quickly. So it was a "miracle" for us as well.
I wonder how many people in the world can claim to have seen a sight like that. I can't imagine it's a large number.
I'm Swedish, but I've never been able to visit before. My mother has her family reunions there, which I was never invited to. It looks so pretty! ^o^
Well, anyway, I love your story and my system went back up just in time for my last 10 minutes of work. >>
Bai bai! Tee hee hee!
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