A good friend of all of ours has run into some incredibly tough times. Mary [her username is tropigalia] has had several very tough things happen to her all at once. You can read the whole story right here
http://tropigalia.livejournal.com/449482.html Also, please take the time to read the article that she links to in her post.
I can only imagine what it is like to have so many terrible things happen to you all at once. Something about her troubles struck a chord with me which is why I decided that I had to help her in anyway that I could. I hope some of you feel the same way.
This community gets cited as being full of nothing but bitches who don't care about anything but their frilly dresses. I dont think that's true. Which is why I am asking you all for your help now.
I would like to organize a raffle to help with her cause. I personally will be putting up a baby dress, and I have a few people already who are willing to put a few other great items.
If you are interested in donating an item to the cause please read the rest of the information behind the cut.
So if you are willing to put up an item for the raffle I need you to comment here, or PM me with an item description, and a photograph. In your item description please indicate the origins of the item. Whether it is from a particular brand, made by a seamstress in the community here or if it was made by you yourself.
It can be good quality homemade items, offbrand, or even loliable items.
Whatever you put up to be raffled off would be sorted into one of three categories. A $5 ticket a $2 ticket and a $1 dollar ticket. Larger items like jsks, skirts, ect would be put into the $5 category smaller things like headbows and such would be put into the $2 catagory, and things such as a sweets jewelery lot would be put into the $1 dollar category.
Please note that if you do decide to put something up for the raffle that you yourself would be responsible for shipping it! Which does include the actual cost of shipping it. If you cannot afford to send the item to the winner of the raffle, the please do not offer to participate.
YOU MUST NOT FLAKE OUT ON ME. Do NOT make a commitment to this cause if you can't follow through. If someone wins your item you must ship it to them within a week and a half of the conclusion of the raffle. This is incredibly important. If there is some issue and you cannot send your item right away, please contact me, and I will get in touch with the winner and explain the circumstances to them.
Items that I am looking for:
-Clothing [jsks, skirts, ops, blouses ect]
-Sweets jewelery [preferably two or three things]
-Mooks [English or japanese versions of the Bibles or other lolita related literature]
-Novelty items [you know those brand freebies? mouse pads, mugs, stationary]
-Hair accessories
-Anything else that would make a good prize!
If you need more information, or I haven't been clear enough, please do not hesitate to ask me.
EDIT: It has come to my attention that shipping is something of a problem for alot of the people involved here. Alot of people are saying that they would like to donate but can't afford the shipping. It's also been mentioned that sending everything to one person [me] would be a good idea so there would be no worrying about quality of items or someone flaking out. Unfortunately, once the items arrive on my doorstep, I wouldn't have the money to ship them out to the winner.
This edit isn't really informative, it's more me appealing to all of you, about what could possibly be done about this. If there is anyone out there with a good idea, I'm begging you, tell it to me, because I'm just not sure ;_; we'll figure this out though!
Remember, even if you can't offer anything up for the raffle, you can always help by buying a ticket. And if you can't afford to buy a ticket, you can always help out by linking back to Mary's original post and spreading the word.
Come on, girls! Lets show the world what we're made of!