Jul 03, 2012 21:56

Hope you're all feeling creative...because it's time for the EGL contest! :D

Contest Description
Each community member may only enter once with a maximum of 3 members per entry. To enter this contest, create a coordinate that accurately portrays a distinctive look of a specific decade from the 20th century (1900-1999) either in lolita fashion or mainstream fashion. Entries should include a reference image of the style they are portraying as well as up to two images of the coordinate [front and back or front and side]. Entries will be judged on adherence to the decade via: environment, pose, hair-style, makeup, and wardrobe, overall look and entry quality, originality and creativity, and adherence to the lolita aesthetic. Please note: You are not recreating the reference image, but it should relate to your entry in some way.

The Prize
Donated By: 1x Fawn fur collar from Miss Lonely Lolita by idgal

Contest Period
The Contest begins at the time of this posting and ends on July 31, 2012 at 11:59:59 P.M. Pacific Time (PT).

How to Enter
Post a reply to this post and include the following:
(i) The title for your entry. Entries without a title will be assumed to be "Untitled".
(ii) Your name as you'd like it listed with your entry.
(iii) Your entry which should include no more than (2) photographs.
(iv) Your contact email.

(i) The contest requires that you be a member of the egl community.
(ii) You must submit your entry during the contest period listed above. Only the first entry per Entrant will be accepted.
(iii) In the case of contests open to groups, only one entry per group will be permitted.
(iv) Members of egl_judges_comm are encouraged to enter but are ineligible to win.
(v) You must own the legal rights to any photos/videos submitted in your entry.

Judging and Selection of Winners
Entries will be judged by the members of egl_judges_comm. In the event that the judges come to a deadlock and are unable to resolve a winner, the final verdict may be determined by one of the following methods: (i) public vote (ii) random selection (iii) cupcake tossing. The judges will contact the winner by email after the contest has ended.

Unless specified, prizes are handled by a third party. egl_judges_comm and egl are not liable for the actions or inactions of third parties.

Good luck!

Interested in donating for one of our future contests?
Please go here to submit a donation! Thank you!

Winners for The June Cupcake Tossing contest will be announced in a week's time or so.

community: contest

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