Show&Tell: Oldest and Newest Piece!

May 11, 2023 08:31

An opportunity to show off older pieces and newer pieces! Could be in terms of release order or from when it arrived in you ^^

My newest main piece both to me and chronologically is BTSSB's Kumya Floating Tea Party.

They did a restock early March and I love this shade of blue and the various pastel colors, I think will be fun to coord with ♡

My oldest piece is MTDF's Bridal OP from 2003.

I also have a blouse of theirs from this time but this was my ultimate dream dress so I'm taking the chance to show it off XP
The satin has a unique texture that I think shows up well on camera and the flocky pattern is so cool.

What are your newest/oldest pieces? I'd love to know!

community: chat/ffa

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