***UPDATED 7/31/2009
I decided that it would be awesome if we had one huge brand list that showed all the websites and whatnot. It took me some time to compile this and it's still incomplete, some brands I couldn't find and I'm sure I overlooked some as well.
Most of this list is lolita, but there are some others here as well including punk, gothic, and gyaru.
Before you start you should read about the information I've given you here.
The entries are formatted like this:
Brand name - Website
-Sub-brand (if applicable) (sometimes sub-stores)
Webshop: If there is an online shop to buy from
Overseas Shipping: This is usually no, but there are a few. Overseas means "outside Japan."
Type: The types of stuff they have, not the style but whether it's clothing, shoes and/or accessories
Site Layout: This explains how well the site is made. Some of the websites are horrible and/or confusing, this is just fair warning.
Note: Sometimes there is an extra note
At the end of the list you will see a list of brands that I couldn't find webpages for, if you know their website URL, PLEASE let me know!
If you know of a brand that isn't listed here, please tell me and provide a website if possible
Now for THE LIST!
http://www.dokidoki6.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Ability Normal -
http://www.abilitynormal.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Flash
Alice Auaa -
http://www.alice-auaa.com/main.phpWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
A+Lidel - Official website is down
-Stone Angel
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Site Layout: ?
Here is a rakuten page that carries some of their stuff:
http://item.rakuten.co.jp/mansaiya/c/0000000185/ *
Algonquins -
http://algonquins.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Both are easy to navigate
Amder -
http://www.amder.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Analysis Crisis -
http://page.freett.com/sirre/sandorian.htmWebshop: Yes (Email form based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, but badly designed
Ange -
http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~xxangexx/Webshop: Yes (seems to be email based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: A little annoying
Angelic Rose -
http://angelicrose.jp/Webshop: Not yet (Doesn't seem to be available)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Nails
Site Layout: Kind of a big mess, but it's faily easy to find stuff
Anna Sui -
http://www.annasui.com/Webshop: No (Where to buy:
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Etc.
Site Layout: Flash but fairly easy to navigate, pretty useless though
Note: This is not a japanese brand
Angelic Pretty -
http://www.angelicpretty.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes on their english site
http://www.angelicpretty.com/en/Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Annie Antique - Website is down
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Fairly easy to navigate
an-ten-na -
http://www.rakuten.co.jp/an-ten-na/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Antique BeasT -
http://www.le-ciela.com/A-B.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Note: Extremely limited. Only opens once for about a day for orders every month or every few months, watch the news section for times they are open
Antique Doll - Website is down
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Note: Apparently carried at Closet Child, if you want one of their items email them (CC) with the URL.
Apology -
http://apology.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Appears to carry many brands at their store
Site Layout: Oh god it's horrible, my eyes!
Atelier Boz -
http://www.boz.ne.jp/-Lapin Agill
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Atelier Pierrot -
http://atelier-pierrot.shop-pro.jp/-Carina e arlequin
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
http://shop.xojapan.jp/Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Auntie Rosa -
http://www.rakuten.co.jp/auntierosa/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Baby Doll -
http://blog.livedoor.jp/babydollvervet/-Blue Bird, Black Bird
Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: This is their blog. Their site has long been under construction (
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright -
http://www.babyssb.co.jp/-Alice and the Pirates
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes (Via email or shopping cart, english site in progress)
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
BANANA FISH - Website is down
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
BA-TSU Club - Website is down
Webshop: ?
Overseas Shipping: Probably no
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: ?
beauty:beast -
http://www.beautybeast.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No, but appears to have shops in NYC and the UK
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: A bit annoying, lots of flash
BebeLota -
http://bebelota.com/Webshop: No (?)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Carries many brands
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Betty's Blue -
http://www.bettysblue.co.jp/-Betty's Blue & K.L.C -
http://www.bettysblue.co.jp/Webshop: ?
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: ?
Note: Main site is down, K.L.C is up but it is a kid's brand
http://www.peacenow.net/-BPN For Men
-Peace Now
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Bodyline -
http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Candy Fruit -
http://www.candyfruit.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, has an english page
Candy Stripper -
http://www.candystripper.net/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Chocochip Cookie -
http://www3.to/chocochip-cookieWebshop: Yes (
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Chocolate Box -
http://uloko.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Webshop: Yes (?)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Closet Child -
http://www.closet-child.com/index.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes. Second-hand.
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Coquette Doll -
http://www1.ttcn.ne.jp/~CoquetteDoll/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, but really small
Coquettish Tiara - Website is down
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Handbags
Site Layout: ?
Note: You can buy from Maruione
Cute Cute World -
http://cute-cute.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories (Carries various brands)
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Deep Forest -
http://www.max.hi-ho.ne.jp/d-forest/Webshop: Sort of, has a catalogue but no shopping cart system, possibly email order based
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Somewhat easy to navigate
Deorart -
http://www.deorart.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes, here:
http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/apparel/deorart.htmlType: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Despair -
http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~despair/Webshop: Yes (email order)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Hurts the eyes a little
Dobby -
http://www.dobby.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Note: Sells DelilaH, Milk, Dr. Marten's, etc.
D.O l'enfant vert -
http://www.do-daisy.com/index.htmlWebshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, but doesn't have much
Note: This appears to be the right one, but I'm not 100%
Double Decker -
http://www.d-decker.jp/ja_pc/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Elements -
http://home.e08.itscom.net/elements/Webshop: Yes (I think through email)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Emily Temple Cute -
http://www.emilytemplecute-kyoto.com/ (there are pages for osaka, nagoya and fukuoka too)
Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, useless except for the blogs
Endorphins -
http://endorphins.velvet.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Excentrique -
http://www.excentrique.biz/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Corsets, Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Fairy Wish -
http://www.fairy-wish.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Fan+Friend -
http://www.fanplusfriend.com/servlet/StoreFrontWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Replica Clothing, accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
First of May -
http://www.first-of-may.com/Webshop: Yes (Appears to be email based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Dessert Rose -
http://dessert-rose.com/front.html(Previously called Flamboyant Controll)
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories, Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
http://www.fotus.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing (spandex everywhere!), Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Heart E -
http://www.hearte.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Kind of annoying to navigate, main page makes eyes bleed
Hell Cat Punks -
http://www.hellcatpunks.com/jp/index.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes, on english site
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
HIDE ROCK Design -
http://www.hiderock.com/index.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
h.Naoto -
http://www.s-inc.com/hnaoto/-h.Naoto BLOOD
-Channel H
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes (click english)
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Hysteric Glamour -
http://www.hystericglamour.jp/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Flash, easy to navigate
Note: English website and store (in LA) coming soon, Japanese webshop coming soon
Innocent World -
http://innocent-w.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
http://www.jajaboon.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Jane Marple -
http://www.janemarple-stmm.co.jp/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate (although titles are kinda cryptic) but somewhat useless
Note: They have been looking for those overseas to distribute
http://www.janemarple-stmm.co.jp/box/n/please_contact.html *
Jean Paul Gaultier -
http://www.jeanpaul-gaultier.com/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: Some place that has his stuff might
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, etc.
Site Layout: FLASH, mostly useless
Note: Not japanese, obviously
Jesus Diamante -
http://www.jesusdiamante.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate but main page is REALLY image intensive (and long)
Juliette et Justine -
http://juliette-et-justine.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Kana Ichigo -
http://www.ref.co.jp/kana/ichigo/index.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Unsure (Email staff to see)
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: ?
Note: Website is down
Kazuko Ogawa -
http://www.kazukoogawa.com/Webshop: Not yet
Overseas Shipping: Originally yes
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Note: Was gone and now it's back, dunno when it will be fully online again
KERA shop -
http://www.i-colle.jp/Top.doWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, although a little annoying figuring out where certain stuff is
Kikirara Shoten -
http://www.kikirarashoten.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories, Corsets
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Liebessonate -
http://www.geocities.jp/xxxliebessonatexxx/Webshop: No (?)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Lost Angel -
http://popup2.tok2.com/home/Girlie/Webshop: Yes (
Overseas Shipping: No, but apparently some kinokuniya stores in the USA have some stuff
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Marble -
http://marble.girly.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Horrible, hurts the eyes.
Marchen Merry - Website is down
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: ?
Mari's Rock -
Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Fairly easy to navigate
Marui One -
http://maruione.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Etc
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Mary Magdalene -
http://www.marymagdalene.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes (click for overseas)
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Note: Stock is extremely limited, be quick to reserve or buy
Maxicimam - Website is down
-na-th (Not to be confused with Na+H)
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Note: Buy from CD Japan
Merry Bell -
http://merrybell.himegimi.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Metamorphose Temps de Fille -
http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes (
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, menus are a little annoying
Mezzo Piano -
http://www.narumiya-net.co.jp/junior/mezzopiano/index.htmlWebshop: Yes (
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories (Children's brand)
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, flash
Miho Matsuda -
http://mihomatsuda.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
http://www.milk-web.net/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Milky Ange -
http://www.milky-ange.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Millefleurs -
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Moi Meme Moitie -
http://www.rakuten.co.jp/moi-meme-moitie/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes (
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Fairly easy to navigate
Mukuro -
http://mukuro.net/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, flash
NA+H -
http://www.penet.jp/na+h/Webshop: Yes (Seems email based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Ningyoudou -
http://www12.plala.or.jp/ningyoudou/Webshop: Yes (Seems to be email based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
no future... -
http://www.alfie.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Layout: Easy to navigate
Ohmati Prison -
http://ohmatiprison.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Webshop: Yes (Email form based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate (stuff is on top)
Patchy -
http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~patchy/Webshop: Maybe
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Horrible, look out for the midi
Pina Sweet Collection -
http://www.pina-sweetcollection.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate (go to order)
Pink House -
http://www.gedix.co.jp/pinkhouse/main.htmlWebshop: Yes (not much though)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Princess Doll -
http://www.princessdoll.biz/Webshop: Yes (Seems email based)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Putumayo -
http://www.putumayo-home.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Qutie Frash -
http://www.qutiefrash.com/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Sort of easy to navigate, shows new items
Raspberry Queen -
http://www.raspberry-queen.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Rockshop S.O.S -
http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/sos/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Carries many brands
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, but the colors hurt the eyes
Rodia -
http://homepage3.nifty.com/rodia/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Romantic Neurosis -
http://www.romanticneurosis.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate but a bit hard on the eyes
Romantic Standard -
http://www.rcg88.com/romasta/rivers1-top.htmWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Fairly easy to navigate
Selectshop Dolly -
http://www.d0ris.com/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Has many brands for sale
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, flash
Seraphim -
http://www.k-seraphim.com/Webshop: Maybe (I think it might be via email)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Sex Pot ReVeNGe -
http://www.sexpot-revenge.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes (
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: JPN site is easy to navigate but hurts the eyes, eng site is easy
Sexy Dynamite London -
http://www.sexydynamitelondon.com/index.html-Sexy Dynamite Queen
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Shin&Company -
http://www.shinandcompany.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories, Clothing
Site Layout: Fairly easy to navigate
Shirley Temple -
http://st.h2tbk.net/toppage.htmlWebshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories (Children's brand)
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Silver Jewelry Ozzy -
http://www.rakuten.co.jp/ozzy/index.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: A little annoying, but easy enough
Sister -
http://homepage2.nifty.com/sister-m/Webshop: Yes (but doesn't seem to be available yet)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Soraumi Berry -
http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~soraumi/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: ?
Note: Website is down
Spica -
http://spica-shop.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: A bit confusing and messy
Strawberry Syndrome -
http://cart1.fc2.com/cart/kinakko/Webshop: Yes (but it seems to be closed)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Super Lovers -
http://www.superlovers.co.jp/Webshop: No
Overseas Shipping: No, you can get it from Maruione
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: A little confusing, look at the site map to make it easier
Suppurate System -
http://ssnet.ocnk.net/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: A little confusing but mostly fairly easy
http://www.swimmer.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Takuya Angel -
http://homepage.mac.com/takuya_angel/Menu1.htmlWebshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Fairly easy, a bit loud
Note: Yes, they will now ship overseas!
The Gabriel Chelsea -
http://www.alexswardrobe.com/chelsea/chelsea.html-Alex's Wardrobe
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Think Pink -
http://thinkpink.pupu.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Triple Fortune -
http://3-f.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Accessories, Clothing
Site Layout: Fairly easy to navigate
Tripp NYC -
http://www.trippnyc.com/Webshop: No but you can find this brand at various american shops
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Flash :(
http://toxicstar-brb.com/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Union Jack -
http://www.unionjack.co.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Vampire of Rose -
http://vampireofrose.cool.ne.jp/vampireofroseindex.htmlWebshop: Yes (Click nail tips)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Nails
Site Layout: Kinda bad, but easy enough to navigate
Victorian Maiden -
Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories, Shoes
Site Layout: Easy to navigate, but often load slowly
Visible -
http://www.visible-web.jp/Webshop: Yes
Overseas shipping: No
Type: Clothing, Accessories
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Vivienne Westwood -
http://www.viviennewestwood.co.uk/flash.phpWebshop: Yes (limited, there is also www.hervia.com)
Overseas Shipping: Yes
Type: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories
Site Layout: Flash, but easy to navigate
Yosuke -
http://www.i-colle.jp/brandList.do?shop=300&brand=100022Webshop: Yes
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Shoes
Site Layout: Flash, but easy to navigate
Note: Their old site is now no more and it seems that the i-collection site (and some rakuten) carry their shoes.
Zenith -
http://wumfucker.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Webshop: Yes (?)
Overseas Shipping: No
Type: Clothing
Site Layout: Easy to navigate
Note: Appears to be carried at closet child, but I'm not 100% sure
OTHERS (can't find websites)
-Black Cat Moon
-Cornet/Shotgun Wedding
-Happy John
-Hyper Core
-Miracle Woman
-Mummy Fucker
-S.E.X Bitch
-Too Punks