Northern California Loli de Mayo Inning/Outting!

May 06, 2007 11:06

Puppy Beckons you to LOOK!

Us Northern California Lolitas had a Lolita Cinco de Mayo get together yesterday =)!

Here are some of our pictures from yesterday ^^!

We all met up at Miffy's house first to start off the celebration.

Some of us got there early to help make a nice snack for our lolita group =)

venus_ivy  tried to make the other food Miffy provided even more special

And what better way to start off Loli de Mayo with... BRAND FOOD XDD! Food of the lolitas...

look at Miffy with her knife getting ready to make stuff

she was getting the knife to cut the limes and getting the dishes ready for BRAND Salsa and Guacamole

And here is venus_ivy with our brand chips

and here I am with the brand lime...

And we have a lolita Cinco de Mayo party FEAST!!

And then all the girls had arrived:
miffytoki, venus_ivy, pinafore, ericka( no lj?) and me!

(erica, pinafore, venus_ivy)

so we started the party!

and busted out the puppies =D!!

now this is me camwhoring with the puppies >_>!

And then miffy doing something productive like training them!

though one of them always wanted to sleep

then loli daddy wanted to join in on the fun... so it was cake hat time!

cake hat time for everyone!

but then...we got hungry!!! for more food and ice cream!!

so we decided to go out

we went to Fentons creamery!(oops i forgot to take a pic of the ice cream though- so someone else post more pics of us there!!! ;P)

we went in and waited for our food

this is Erica, she is a new lolita in the area!! yay!

look at those lovely smiles!! (yes yes I know I said I wouldnt post this but you two look so cute and happy!!!)

and lo and behold...

thats right.... They served us BRAND FOOD!

and then for some reason I stopped taking pictures >_> cause I was eating

but then we took a group picture outside

Outfit Info(left to right)
venus_ivy: Btssb OZ JSK, AP tea party shoes
me: btssb parfait JSK, btssb shoes
miffy: VM blouse, btssb marie antoinette skirt, btssb shoes
pinafore: Innocent World OP, Meta Socks, Btssb Shoes
Erica: Angelic Pretty OP, AP socks(?)

And then our day ended a few hours later! top secret lolita things were done! bwahahaa....

We just wanted to share our fun day with you! Hope you enjoy looking at our photos!
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