It looks like I have enough interest (everyone boycotting Ling Lam is totally welcome! XD ), so the discount should be 20%.
Those ordering with this group will need to have an email that they check regularly! (Like, at least once every two days, not once a week)
Even if something in this post does not pertain to your order in particular, PLEASE read it all (so I don't have to answer questions over and over).
This order is for anything in Refuse To Be Usual's store
Nicky (the woman who runs RTBU) goes to the same factory as Ling Lam. Nicky is very communicative and I am willing to ask her anything. She may be able to get many things that Ling has in her store, we don't know until we ask! (I am waiting on an email from her about this, actually) I can also ask about other colors or sizes.
This order is for anyone anywhere. Those geographically near one another may wish to submit their order together and take advantage of combined shipping.
There will be a "2.9% + $0.30 USD" charge (from paypal) for your sending me the money if you are paying with bank-backed paypal and "4.9% + $0.30 USD" for credit card backed paypal. My personal fee will be 2.1% (total addition to your payment approximates a little more than $0.30 + 5% or $0.30 + 7%). I often use this site to calculate fees: (If you are going to use CC-paypal, there is a box for that. Put in your total before fees into the "Reverse PayPal Fee Calculator" section.)
All payments must be sent in US Dollars.
The order will close October 17. I will send out invoices to anyone remaining without one (I hope to have rolling invoices) then, which will need to be paid by Sunday the 19th at 5PM, Eastern Standard Time. I will be placing our order(/s) either Monday or Tuesday. Anyone who is late will just have to wait on the next one!
In the event that someone drops out and I am able to cancel their order, your original fee x2 (from you to me and then back from Nicky) will NOT be refunded. If I am unable to cancel your order, you will not be refunded and your items will be sent anyway and you'll have to sell them or something. If you are unsure about getting in on the order this time, it is okay for you to wait.
I intend to be hosting another group order after all of this one is successfully delivered (approximately early to middle December for those buying holiday gifts and again in the early spring for those who got money for the holidays and want to spend it on cute things =3).
Because we are part of a group, our shipping will be tracked EMS. You will receive tracking numbers promptly and are expected to respond to me that you received it.
Shipping is listed on each item's page. Some shoes are $20, some $25. That shipping will be what you are charged (unless that item qualifies for combined shipping).
If I am reshipping to you, shoes alone will be between $10 and $15 to ship, other items will be much less expensive. I can help you decide if you want to have things directly shipped to you or to me and then to you.
I am located in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. I would very much like to find someone in Atlanta who wants to get some combined shipping fun going on!!
All international (non-US) orders MUST be shipped directly from Nicky to you. You will be responsible for your own customs or anything like that. I cannot be held responsible for this part. I can ask Nicky to mark things as gifts or whatever, but I'm not familiar with how things work, so you have to let me know!
Example order:
Item link:
These Color: all white
Size: 24.5 cm
Cost on the site: $56 (on sale)
Discounted Price: $44.80
Shipping cost: $25
Total before fees: $69.80
CC or regular paypal?: CC Total: $73.41
Organizer fee: $1.55 (<---This is my 2.1%, as you can see, it's not even equal to the amount of time I'm spending on the orders. Like, I MIGHT make $10 total on this.)
Total to send: $74.96
Additional Instructions/Comments/Questions: "Please send my tracking number to these two email addresses:,"
In this case, the shoes' original price was $70, plus $25 of shipping. So this person's savings are $31.59!
Please ask me and Nicky questions!! We'll answer them!
Current Orders - $412 -woohoo, 20% discount!
LJ User Item/s cost (w/o discount) Status
sandorizu $56 Pre-Invoiced
Did not pay, no longer considered part of group order.
vorkbom with
69killerkitties $124 v-Paid, 69kk-Paid
kiyomi23 $112 Paid
fruity_cupcake $56 Paid
samurai_slave $64 Paid
samthekat $78.40 Paid
Edit: Here's a link to the feeler post-
here, in case anyone wants to check out some cheap offbrand goodies that are open to offers.
P.P.S. (edit) - If you're here because you aren't buying from Ling, sign the
petition boycotting her!