So.. I've not really posted in a while, but I've an excuse (if you've missed me. If not, I'm mortuus in fossa. Nyah). My internet's down. Piece of unfortunate technology. Anyway. I was reading Yahoo! News and saw this...
For the Common Good! "It's a core value that we think organizes the entire political agenda for progressives," said John Halpin, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. "With the rise of materialism, greed and corruption in American society, people want a return to a better sense of community sort of a shared sacrifice, a return to the ethic of service and duty."
"Our religious traditions call us to that deeper vision of caring for all, being in it together, not a go-it-alone culture," said Kelly, who has worked for the U.S. bishops and served briefly as a religious adviser to 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry. "I think it's important that it crosses faith traditions."
Now, I don't claim Ayn Rand's political philosophy as my own. In fact, my views of Communism are as varied as my moods. And if you know me, well... that's quite a bit. But come on I just finished reading Anthem two hours ago. This is not something you want to see after you read something even vaguely anti-Socialist/Communist. And Anthem is not exactly vague on that point. It's like... I dunno. Someone selling your Christmas presents after A Christmas Carol (Bad analogy, I know, but I'm quite tired and hungry and am talking politics even when I really shouldn't). Regardless, when someone starts to use the phrase "common good", especially in America, well... let's just say it makes me a bit wary. As in, I'm packing a duffel for Canada as we speak.
Okay, I exaggerate. This article isn't exactly heralding the apocalypse, but it's still best to be on our toes, I think. After all, I can't yet vote, but the mentalities of this time are going to be what shapes the world of my adulthood. So yeah.
In other news... heh. So I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm going to finish cleaning my room (hope I didn't toss that $50), start cleaning out the kitchen cabinets, and (le gasp!) learn how to cook. Especially with nice, healthy spices. Yum. I am so very hungry right now. I'll let you know how the whole new-life campaign goes, I'm sure. But until my internet somehow ressurrects, posts will indeed be sporadic.