Средневековая алхимия (гравюра)

Jan 13, 2017 22:09

1. Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1525-1569) An Alchemist at work, mid 16th cent
2. Alchemist's Laboratory (Khunrath)
Alchemist's Laboratory IN: 'Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae' by Heinrich Khunrath, 1595.
[A]n alchemical classic, the best known of Heinrich Khunrath's works. The work is infused with a strange combination of Christianity and magic, illustrated with elaborate, hand-colored, engraved plates heightened with gold and silver. The tension between spirituality and experiment, and the rich symbolism of Khunrath's writings and their engravings brought condemnation of the book by the Sorbonne in 1625, and now attracts attention from scholars."
3. Sebastian Brandt Narrenschiff 'Ship of fools',1494
4. Hans Weiditz Hans Weiditz (fl. early 16th century) An Alchemist, c. 1520.
5. Woodcut by Cornelis A. Teunissen, 1541

6. An emblem that came to be known as the 'Twelfth Key of Basil Valentine' first appeared in a book from 1599, 'Ein kurtz summarischer Tractat' (Basilius Valentinus). The version above ('clavis' = key) appeared in Michael Maier's 'Tripus Aureus', published by Theodore de Bry in 1622.
7. 'Distillatio' by Jan van der Straet, originally published in his 'Nova Reperta' series from the 1580s, as reviewed previously in Renaissance Discoveries and Inventions].
8. Anonymous woodcut illustration of alchemist in his laboratory IN: 'The Practise of the New and Old Phisicke' by Conrad Gesner, 1599.
9. 'A Second View of Practical Chymistry' IN: 'The Universal Magazine' 1748
10. Third View of Practical Chemistry 1751
11. The Alchemist - Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1558
12. Facies Interna Laboratorium Academici Traiectini 1698
(Interior View of a Laboratory at the University of Utrecht)
IN: 'Pyrosophia, Succinte atque Breviter Iatro-Chemiam, rem Metallicam et Chrysopoeiam Pervestigans' by Johann Conrad Barchusen, 1698.
13. Laboratoire et table des Raports - after 1772
Artist: Louis-Jacques Goussier Engraver: Benoît Louis Prévost
IN: 'Recueil de Planches, sur les Sciences, les Arts Libéraux, et les Arts Méchaniques', 1772. {an earlier version appeared in Diderot's 'L'Encyclopédie', 1751-1765
14. L'alchimiste (after) 1769 Original painting by David Teniers (before 1690). This version engraved by Jacques-Louis Pérée, 1769
15. Original painting by David Teniers (before 1690). This version engraved by FB Lorieux sometime in the 1700s. "Alembic and crucible sit on furnace in center of image; miscellaneous apparatus in foreground."
16. Le Docteur Alchimiste (18th cent.) Original painting by David Teniers (before 1690). This version engraved by Jacques Nicolas Tardieu sometime in the 1700s.
17. F. van Mieris Copperplate engraving from 1675 from a painting by F. van Mieris.
18. Original painting by Samuel Wale. This version engraved by Pierre-Charles Canot, 1765. The illustration appeared IN: 'Commercium Philosophico-Technicum' (The Philosophical Commerce of Arts) by William Lewis.
19. Artist: Cornelius Varley; Engraver: AW Warren, 1822.
20. Print made by Arnold van Westerhout, 1687.

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