Stasi museum in Berlin

Sep 13, 2013 16:40

(Тоже самое по-русски.)

The Stasi was an Eastern Germany version of the KGB, established by the Soviets in 1952. Just like the KGB, the Stasi was mostly busy looking for enemies of the people, employing round-the-clock surveillance, and eavesdropping on German citizens. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, people assaulted the Stasi headquarters, ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

Antonio anonymous September 20 2013, 11:17:06 UTC
Stunning. I recently saw "The lives of the others", I think it's a masterpiece! It really gives the feeling for this great sense of oppression that Stasi created.


ext_2184204 September 21 2013, 14:37:54 UTC
I agree about the film. It's great.
And good old Obama has been learning a thing or two about spying, hasn't he?


patetlao October 4 2013, 16:25:59 UTC
the Stasi was mostly busy looking for enemies of the people,
Это их работа. Остальное - смешно. Так некритично транслировать "картинку мира" победителей, всё-таки очень странно. Гдровцы делали один в один то, что делают все. Только теперь их нужно заклеймить этим местным аналогом "голодомора", чтобы неповадно было вернуться в прошлое или думать о нём как об альтернативе. И чтобы СДПГ не получала на выборах на востоке Германии столько сколько получила сейчас. А то получала бы ещё больше.


Stazi, and related activities patetlao February 8 2014, 17:35:44 UTC
All governments spy. They spy abroad, they spy internally.
The protection of the established order.
The justification is defense of the people.
Today I am more fearful of the actions bof my own
government that any force on the planet.
Below the veneer of democracy is an iron fist in a
stainless steel glove.


patetlao September 19 2014, 00:56:20 UTC
No. Everyone who wasn't compliant with the state was an enemy. There were agents spying their own family members. There was mistrust everywhere, there was no real, cleraly divisible enemy and what you've just said is nonsense. People got sick of this, knowing there is a huge surveillance, not knowing if their own father is a secret agent who just made your mother pregnant to defend the system.


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