Incidentally, I've been meaning to do a write up on Obama's stance on technology (I dunno if you saw XKCD's take on the issue but it's pretty fantastic that he went to Lawrence Lessig when he wanted to find out more about the current issues in technology and copyright), his NASA policy (not as awesome, unfortunately) and arts policy (which is about as good as it's ever gotten).
Also, there's a folder on my firefox toolbar with the following excellence:
I'm not sure. But at least they seem to report the polls more completely and regularly than anywhere else I've found. No matter what their slant, it saves a lot of search time to have so many individual polls in one place.
Comments 4
Also, there's a folder on my firefox toolbar with the following excellence:
Can you tell if they have any particular bias? It seems to me that they do a good job of presenting a wide range of viewpoints.
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