I really got off to a strange start with tonight's episode. I saw Danko swirling a brush around in a light substance and then preparing to put it on his face and my brain lept to the conclusion that he was applying make-up
Bare Escentuals style. Needless to say, I see him in an entirely new light now, one that is not remotely canon-based. (Who shaves like that any more, really?)
Anyway, Sylar distracts the pretty, pretty princess by tripping an alarm and then leaves him a nice present. The puppet guy, trussed up like Dean Winchester in hell. But, you know, infinitely less attractive. I was going to compare Sylar to Santa, but given the season it might be better to use the Easter Bunny. God, I wish that whoever wrote Sylar for the
Burnt Toast Diner would come back. I really need to see Sylar's head photoshopped onto a giant pink rabbit.
But Danko brings the puppet guy into headquarters as if he had captured him all by himself while out for a jog on his lunch break. HRG does not buy your shit! Nice room full of comatose mutants, though. Of course, the nit-picking part of me is wondering how they are fed and cleaned and whether anyone bothers to turn them to prevent bed sores. Time to snap my aversion therapy rubber band. If The Company could manage to imprison all sorts of mutants fairly relaibly, why can't the government?
Then Danko brings Mohinder in to show off his collection. Mohinder finds Daphne and gets all shouty about not being able to save her *here* he needs a *hospital*! Yeah, Mohinder, and you also need an M.D. instead of a Ph. D.. Seriously. Studying genetics does not mean you are skilled in first aid, let alone more advanced medicine. I think Danko must know Mohinder's an idiot, though. He just gets tazed and added to the collection.
HRG hops into Angela's car for the weekly meeting of the Smart Club (membership: 2) and he's sporting razor cuts dabbed with toilet paper. At this point I think, "Hmmm, they must be pushing some deep razor metaphor this episode!" But no. There is no mention of shaving from this point on. Sigh. As usual, HRG and Angela are awesome and I would watch any show that has those two. If NBC created an Odd Couple style spin-off, I'd so be there.
Angela stole the show tonight. Jason Bourne like escape with a complete stranger. Never lost her cool, even as the agents were closing in. Even stole an umbrella from her friend at the diner. Now we know that she doesn't limit herself to socks. I want to be Angela Petrelli when I grow up...but I kind of hope I have smarter offspring. Not that they did anything horrible this episode. (Since Nathan was absent and Peter was silent.) I liked how Peter saving his mother kind of mirrored Nathan saving his daughter last week. They can fly off for a nice family vacation on an island somewhere.
Also, Millie has to be a more important character than has been hinted at thus far, right? They wouldn't waste Swoosie Kurtz (Spelling? I'm lazy) on a throw-away scene like that. (Another steal from the defunct Pushing Daisies. Any chance they could write a character for Lee Pace? I would pay to see that. I love the Pie-maker.)
I also loved Hiro and Ando tonight. They brought the giggles. At first I assumed that Baby Matt just had some electrical power, but apparently he can make anything "go". Hiro is the latest victim of the writers' realization that too much power = unmanageable character. Now he can stop time but not teleport. I am ok with that. For one, it means no more confusing time travel plots and two - no one can go save Caitlin from the future. Yay!
I want Hiro to name the wheelbarrow he used the Ando-Barrow. And he can have some nice racing stripes and lightning bolts painted on it.
Hiro confesses his angst over his mother's death and Ando is sensitive and suppotive. ARE YOU WATCHING THIS, SAM WINCHESTER? TAKE NOTES!
*cough* Sorry.
Janice was pretty likable too, I was kind of surprised. Not a great mother, though. I mean, if *I* came home to find the sitter gone and two men hiding in my kid's closet like Japanese E.T.s, I'd be a little more upset than that.
Rebel frees Tracy, who decides to free a couple of friends before taking off. Matt and Mohinder grab Daphne (*sob*) and then they all run off and leave everyone else there. Come on, people! What part of HEROES don't you understand? A hero does not save his friends and then leave everyone else to their fate. Would it have taken so long to pull the nose tubes from everyone else?
Anyway, the *important* mutants escape. Rebel guides Tracy and *surprise* it turns out he's Micah. I was really hoping that they'd have a more interesting explanation than that. Something about a pre-pubescent freedom-fighter just turns me right off. Especially after that speach where he tells how disappointed he is that she, A GOVERNMENT LOBBYIST, is not honorable or trustworthy. Dear God, Micah! You're a smart kid! Have you ever read the freaking news??? Even the comics? Try Doonesbury!
Tracy's last stand was pretty awesome, though. Froze everyone, including herself. I was half expecting her to be able to move around under the ice like Iceman, but that would have lessened the impact of her sacrifice. Liked when Danko shot her, but I think it would have been cooler if he vented some frustration by physically knocking her apart.
At least we still have Barbara.
I've been leaving Matt and Daphne for last because I honestly don't know what to say about them. I loved some scenes. There were some dumb things. And then those bastards killed Daphne and I am just emotionally wrung out. She didn't even get an important death like Tracy. It was just left-over and sad. Poor Daphne was just a tool to move Matt from point A to point B and I am disappointed. I've never been the biggest Matt fan so I'm maybe less forgiving of this sort of things than others might be. I just don't really care about his journey.
I loved the episode while watching it, but the ending kind of depressed me. Well, at least I'm emotionally invested, right? That means they're doing better than they were for the first half of the season.