First, the complaining. (I do have some positive things to say later. I promise.) Noah and Angela, I am so disappointed in you! I thought you were the smart ones! What the hell happened? I realize it was very disturbing to find Nathan with his throat slit, but you couldn't come up with a better plan than that? CLAIRE IS RIGHT DOWN STAIRS!!!!!!! YOU KNOW, THAT GIRL WITH THE HEALING BLOOD!!! THE VERY SAME BLOOD THAT BROUGHT YOU BACK FROM THE DEAD, NOAH, WHEN MOHINDER SHOT YOU IN THE HEAD LAST YEAR!!! ARGH!!!
I am so beyond annoyed right now. Angela and Noah actually plotted to keep Claire away from Nathan when she was the one person who could save him. And I'd even started to like Nathan again since Mexico. As if I haven't seen enough depressing tv deaths lately. Poor Claire, poor Peter...Nathan is DEAD and they don't get the chance to mourn him! (Yeah, I know that the idea is that they don't have to mourn him because they don't know he's gone - but he is gone! Sylar is not Nathan, even though he thinks he is.) Poor be so easily replaced.
And they can't seriously expect this plan to work long term. Anyone out there have photoshop skills? I want Sylar's head on the body of that dinosaur from "Meet the Robinsons" with the quote "I have a big head and little arms. I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through."
Ok. Deep breath. If I overlook that one GLARING STUPID ARGH GAH BLARGH %&*&%#^&!!!!!!! *cough* Sorry. If I overlook that one tiny annoyance, I actually liked most of the episode. While I hate the (lack of) reasoning behind the decision to turn Sylar into Nathan, I kind of love the idea of Sylar being Nathan. My brain is spinning with dozens of fun twists the plot can take as Sylar's true personality tries to force its way through his Nathan delusion. At the moment, my favorite one is where "Nathan" finds himself unnaturally attracted to his "daughter". It would be awesome. Vaguely "Twelfth Night," but with pseudo-incest instead of wrong gender. Fanfic? Please? (You know, I don't really have any idea where to look for good Heroes fanfic...Everything seems to be Mohinder/Sylar, and it doesn't much interest me. Any suggestions?)
I liked the Sylar/Claire interaction. So creepy that he was hitting on her, but it makes sense in an odd way. Like he reasoned it out...I'll be around for the next 100, 500, 1000 years and I have identity issues, who could be my constant? (To borrow a "Lost" term) Claire is the obvious choice there. It's kind of like HRG and Danko forming an alliance in their a manner of speaking, Claire and Sylar are stuck with each other. (Ooh! Now I want there to be a Sylar/Claire video to the "Friends" theme song! With pancake-cooking Sylar during the "you ruined your breakfast" line. Pancakes? Waffles? What did Sylar cook for little Noah?)
That bit where Sylar couldn't remember Lyle's name? Genius. That is almost fell-on-pie levels of fan service.
And the clothes-copying continues. I'm so glad that we figured out how Sylar does it last week. It's definite: he's naked all the time ala Movie!Mystique.
Was he supposed to be moving her with TK or has he acquired puppet power? If it's just the TK, then the man has excellent control. Yeah. And I may or may not have meant that in a dirty way. Food for thought, huh?
Other Sylar questions: How does Angela expect to be able to explain to everyone why "Nathan" can't fly anymore? Or why he can heal? Or why it tingles when people lie to him? Why he sometimes wakes up with extra teeth? What if Peter feels like flying somewhere, touches "Nathan" and then jumps off a building? Well, Angela? How well does your STUPID PLAN WORK THEN, HUH???
Damn, the rage keeps sneaking out of me. Maybe if I move away from the Petrelli clan...
Hiro was wonderful tonight, and I am so worried for him. Nice planning, nice execution of plan...nice saving Noah, which always makes me happy. Bleeding from the ears is never good. Would time-stopping be easier if Ando contributed energy? Could he be healed with Claire blood? I have heard rumblings that Hiro will not be so criminally under-used next season, and it looks like they might have set him up for a nice story line. (Of course, I liked Hiro's Old Japan storyline, which was all for nothing since they killed Adam Monroe...bastards. Could we expose Sylar to the stuff in Adam's warehouse and have him become Adam instead?)
Oh, and I laughed out loud when Ando turned to Mohinder and said, "You're a doctor." Oh, Ando, Mohinder and the writers don't acually understand this, but having a doctorate in genetics does not mean that you are a medical doctor capable of treating exploding brains. Next episode, Ando tries to recruit Colonel Sanders to lead their army.
And now Tracy has become a dumb Spiderman villain? Really? Sigh. This was all just an excuse to get Ali Larter naked on camera a lot, wasn't it? I know she's pretty, but do all of her characters have to be giant skanks? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the character's current plan is to ooze into agents' houses, solidify into naked woman, and then drown them? know, the peep show is - strictly speaking - unnecessary. Do you think she drowned that guy in the sink or, like, in herself somehow?
And, in case there are any males reading who think it is perfecly acceptable to have Ali Larter constantly naked...I'd just like to whine, but it's not faiiiiiiiiiir! The male characters are almost never treated as blatant eye-candy. I'm going to start protesting in favor of equal opportunity ogling. Maybe there's a future in which Mohinder is a stripper in Vegas. Make it happen!
I should probably say something about Matt, but, well, he didn't really do a whole lot tonight. Nice that he continues to exhibit a disinclination to abuse his powers on moral grounds. Go back to your baby, buddy. Leave the plotting for the big boys.
When last we saw Danko he had been tranquilized by Hiro, right? Is that the end for him on the show? The guy won't have any political power anymore, so presumably his usefulness as a character is gone. ::fingers crossed::
And, best news of the night, Noah is no longer Middle Management!!! Crack open the champagne, Sandra. Oh. Right. Your wife wants nothing to do with you. So...that bit at the end where it looked like Noah and Claire were going to go home to their family and live happily ever after? What was that? Selective amnesia on the part of the writers? Sigh. I thought so.
I can't believe the season is over already. What am I going to do with myself on Monday nights? This finale didn't exactly live up to the dramatic standard of season one or even season two, but it felt like we are finally geting back on track. There's a decent set-up for next season and I think we've finally eliminated most of the dead weight left over from Volume Three. Knock on wood.
I'd just like to take a minute to thank all of you who have commented here this season. It has been a lot of fun discussing the show with you. I hope to see you back next fall.
ETA: I forgot a couple of things...first, Sylar fails at baseball. He told Claire that he's ambidexrous...bats righty and throws lefty. What the hell kind of sense does that make? If you're an ambidexrous baseball player you're going to be a switch hitter or bat lefty all the time. Left handed batters have the advantage against right handed pitchers, and most pitchers (like most people) are right handed.
Weekly Supernatural reference: Not-Sylar got a funeral pyre. Do the Heroes want to be very sure that he can't come back as a ghost? Was he a hunter and deserved a huner-style send-off? Excuse me. I have to go cry quietly about Adam now. (Not Monroe, his time. Milligan.).