Excellent review, as usual. I am so proud of Sylar - he was the only one able to stand up to these ninja men.
Peter...God, everyone could see it coming - never hug a Petrelli moment.
How to survive on Heroes? Never get into a cab in New York - you never know who is driving and who is going to be the next passenger. Use the subway, for God's sake.
Nathan is short and he has napoleonic complex - wants to compensate for his lack of height, ha, just kidding.
Claire - She is a little bit better this season but why, why, why didn't she tell Peter that "they" were coming after him? He is telling her, "I am going to be at my mom's" and she fails to advise him to stay away?
Lol. sorry, I know I don't comment a lot but I was wondering last night where your post was on this. We both sorta talked about the X-Men similarities in our posts about it. It was an alright episode though. I just hate Nathan right now because he was really growing on me.
Nathan has really had a lot of ups and downs as a character. And nothing has seemed terribly out of character, so I guess the writers and Adrian Pasdar have been doing a good job. You can never be sure what to expect from him, and I think it's pretty interesting...if occasionally despicable.
Comments 24
Peter...God, everyone could see it coming - never hug a Petrelli moment.
How to survive on Heroes? Never get into a cab in New York - you never know who is driving and who is going to be the next passenger. Use the subway, for God's sake.
Nathan is short and he has napoleonic complex - wants to compensate for his lack of height, ha, just kidding.
Claire - She is a little bit better this season but why, why, why didn't she tell Peter that "they" were coming after him? He is telling her, "I am going to be at my mom's" and she fails to advise him to stay away?
Why did they take Hiro - he has no powers.
Even more than never take a cab, how about never drive a cab. How many times has Mohinder been threatened?
Their info comes from Nathan and HRG, and I don't think either of them are aware that Hiro lost his powers.
And i think it was worth the wait
*huggles S1 boxsets*
Oh. And I love your icon!
Thanks ;D
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