So by now, you've all heard the drama that is my life. And I bet you thought you were done listening to the crazy shit that keeps coming my way this summer. Oh no. I just keeps coming...
I get home from work today, happily enter my kitchen and ewwww my socks are all wet. I look in the sink and almost throw up: there's ground up leaves and mud and who knows what else all sitting in my sink. And on top of some dishes. Not to mention all over my floor, countertop and in my cabinets. Ok, so I call the maintenance man and he calls the plumber, but with all the rain yesterday, they can only maybe get someone out today. I say fine and head to Walgreens for some major cleaning materials. Get back and begin to scrub and rinse and...shit, it's backing up again. Fast. Call maintenance again- check. Leave one frantic message- check. Well, now what. Dan has the smart idea of stopping the drain, but I only have 1 sink plug and 2 sinks! So I grab a big bowl I use for popcorn and start shoveling water from the sink to the drain outside before it spills all onto my counter again. Seriously, it was about 1 cm away. As I'm running from sink to outside, a man comes down the back steps. I knew he was hear doing things in the apt above me, but I thought it was re-finishing the floors. So I jokingly said, "You don't happen to know anything about plumbing, do you?" His response, "Yes, I do. Give me a minute, I'll be right back." He comes back with a plumbers kit! Dude was replacing the sink upstairs! HE'S A PLUMBER! So he cleaned out my pipes and is going to send someone to clean out the pipes that my pipes feed into. As he's doing this, I'm going through the stuff I had in the cabinets, mourning the loss of about $60 worth of sandwich bags and tin-foil.
Once the plumber left, I called my rents to let them know I can handle life on my own. I was hoping to get my mom. Instead, I got Dad, whose response (better than what I thought it'd be) was, "Yeah, I could have told you that, what with you living in a basement apt." Thanks, helpful. What was helpful was him suggesting I ask the leasing ppl if they'll give me some money back for the stuff I lost, since clearly there's no possible way I could have mucked the sink up that badly. Sure enough, they're giving me $60! And this is why I love Parker-Holsman! Now I just hope this isn't a common ailment of this apartment. If my sink back up every time one of my lovely neighbors throws a nail or twist ties down the sink (don't laugh, it's what the plumber pulled out), there will be issues. For now, I'm just happy it's over. And quite impressed by the Febreeze candle I just bought and it's leaf/mud-odor-killing abilities. Plus, it meant I actually spent money on a mop, which I've been needing to do.
Moral: flooding apparently follows me, but there are some really nice people in the world (my maintenance man, my leasing agents and the wonderful plumber who was clearly on his way home). THANK YOU!