Oct 14, 2008 15:45

Ok, I don't normally do these, but urbandictionary is just hilarious.

Go to urban​dicti​onary​.​​​com and type in your answer​ to each quest​ion in the search​ box, then write​ the FIRST​ defin​ition​ it gives​ you.

1.) Your name: Janelle
Shes my everything.
Perfect, no one can ever come close to her.
Smart, she reads the dictionary to me:
Beautiful, when you walk by her, u can just melt away.
Everything you can ever ask for.
(NOTE: almost every entry had "Janelle" meaning beautiful and fun to hang out with. Except the last one: Stink and used profoundly in a weird sentence. Pretty, and looks can take a toll. Ninja, Banana Pie eater, and a good prom date.
Your feet is Janelle!)

2.) Your age: 22
1) A .22 Caliber hand gun. .22 is a measurement of inches, not millimeters you fucking retards.
2)22 inch rims

3) One of your friends: Gretchen
When someone has a massive bitch fit and won't shut up. They proceed to yell at someone for something that is actually their own fault.
"Stop nitpicking, I know where the table's going to be, don't have a gretchen!"

4.) What should you be doing? Studying
An excuse you give your friends when you want to stay home alone and masturbate. Also known as 'reading' 'cleaning your room' or writing a term paper.

5.) Your favorite color: Green
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?
'yo, where da green at?'

6.) Last person you talked to: Dan
A man of unusual humor, consistently finding strange, and lewd comments amusing and/or entertaining in a way as to prevoke violent and uncontrolled outbursts of laughter. (Sound like anyone we know?)

7.) Last thing you had to drink: Orange Juice
1. any juice, generally of the color orange.
that juice over there is orange, but does not contain oranges.
2. juice gathered from oranges, with or without pulp

8.) Your nickname: J.D.
Juvenile Delinquent


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