Log: AIM Log
Rating: NC-17
Reason: Because it's too funny. Yes, I know it is a bit ridiculous, but some people have asked to see it.
Tonks: ::pounce::
Bill: *very pleased by that, thanks*
Tonks: I may chain you to my bed permanently.
Bill: :D!!! *wouldn't mind that in the slightest!*
Tonks: Really? ::pulls out cuffs:: Hold still for a minute, would you? I want to make sure its just a bit uncomfortable now...
Bill: Right below the wrists... there's a girl. *beam*
Tonks: Perfect. Now, to get these clothes off you.. ::rummage rummage::
Bill: ... you know, in theory you should have stripped me and THEN cuffed me.
Tonks: Takes away from the challenge, sweets. Oh, hell. ::hexes off his clothes:: That's better.
Bill: *eyes her* Bloody cheater, you are.
Tonks: ::shrugs:: Of course. I'm an Auror, love. Now, watch yourself. I'd hate to hurt you. ::climbs on top::
Bill: *growls slightly, arching his hips* No you wouldn't... not much, at anyrate... oh gods... Now just move already, would you?
Tonks: Temper temper. Now I remember what I love about you. ::purrs and starts to move, but very slowly::
Bill: *straintrytograbtheprettiesbutcan'tsogrowlsmore*
Tonks: What do you say?
Bill: Please... Tonks, you're killing me... *rattlestheheadboard*
Tonks: Right then. ::releases him and braces for it::
Bill: *flips them over, devouring her lips and moving quick and hard*
Tonks: Much better. Keep at it, will you? ::holds on for dear life::
Bill: *growls again* Try to stop me, love. *holds her hands above her head, biting and nipping at her neck*
Tonks: Why would I do that? ::starts moving aggressively with him, wrapping legs above his hips::
Bill: No *nip* Idea *bite* Love. *practically pushing her off the bed*
Tonks: ::happily gives in to the ride of her life:: I take it ::nip:: you missed me ::hard kiss:: then?
Bill: You bet your life I did. *growls, reaches a hand down to help her out*
Tonks: Oh.... ::moans:: good! ::legs tighten as she starts to shake:: I.. ::gasp:: missed you too.
Bill: *nips at her ear* Come for me, Tonks... *low growl, knows he won't last much longer*
Tonks: If you say so. ::proceeds to, at the top of her lungs::
Bill: *does likewise, groaning and falling against her, face buried in the small of her neck* Oh... fuck.
Tonks: Now that's what I miss. I should visit more often. ::kisses his cheek::
Bill: *pulls her close, not speaking for a long moment* *finally* Yes you should.
Tonks: ::cuddling up against him:: I missed you. Things are just mad these days. I'm glad I could come... ::swats him:: no jokes you.
Bill: *grins* I said nothing. *quietly against her hair* You should stay with me. When you can, I mean. Always come here.
Tonks: Would you like that, then? I could, I suppose. It would be... nice. Very nice.
Bill: I want you here. *rubs at her bare back* I want you in my bed and next to me when you can be. *nips her shoulder* Think about all the great sex we'll have, for starters.
Tonks: There is that. ::smiles and runs her hands over his sides:: I do hate living in my flat. ::traces his cheek:: You'd have to come help me pack, of course.
Bill: *pulls her down to kiss along her neck again, sucking lightly on her pulse* You could come home every night. And we could have takeaway. Then shag until dawn. *wicked grin*
Tonks: You make a good argument. Keep convincing me. ::nips at his shoulders as her hands slide down over his hips::
Bill: I'll help you clean out your flat... *smirks* Then shag you there too, if you don't mind, of course... *slides tickling fingers along her ribs*
Tonks: You win. Who can argue against that? ::slides hand around and looks up surprised:: Already then? Yet another reason to love you, I suppose. Will you be telling your mother about this? Or will it be our naughty secret? ::begins shifting positions for more fun::
Bill: *lets her move him however she wants, smirking slightly* Well, she'll have my head if I don't tell her right away. *smirks MORE* So around next May then ought to be all right?
Tonks: Brilliant. Of course the brats, I mean your siblings, will most likely find out before then. ::happily ends up on hands and knees waiting impatiently::
Bill: *actually lets her go, sitting back on his own heels and enjoying the view for a moment* Probably. But they're easy to ignore. *then puts his mouth to better use*
Tonks: Oh my. Yes, keep that up right there, will you. ::pushes back happily:: You're such a NICE boy.
Bill: *keeps up for a very nice long time, until she's JUST about finished* *then stops* *and smirks*
Tonks: I will hurt you, in painful bloody ways. Or worse, I may just take care of this myself. ::moves her hand threateningly::
Bill: *wraps his arms around her waist, length tentatively close to her center* Are you sure you want that?
Tonks: What I want is you, inside me, pushing me into the wall... now get a move on. ::pouts impatiently at him::
Bill: *thrusts hard* Your wish is my command, m'lady. *groans low against her ear, reaching a hand down to once again work her*
Tonks: Much better. ::pants happily and pushes back against him in appropriate rhythm, reaching a hand back to pull his head down:: A little biting if you please?
Bill: *does so, quite hard on her neck* You're going to have a mark there tomorrow.
Tonks: Good. It will give Kingsley the shudders for days. ::moans happily:: Maybe I just shouldn't go home at all.
Bill: *nuzzles against her neck before biting on her shoulder* Don't. Stay here... shag me all day, every day... *grips her hips tighter* Tonks... Merlin, give me something else to call you...
Tonks: I've always liked Lisa. ::laughs when swatted:: You can call me what you like, love, as long as you don't stop. Nymphadora, hey you, anything.
Bill: *soothes one of the bite marks with his tongue and lips* Dora... how's that? *smirks* Although Nymphadora isn't too... inaccurate... *starts pounding in earnest*
Tonks: ::gasps with the increased speed and then catches up:: I can ::pant:: live with ::gasp:: that, love. Have I told you I love your body?
Bill: I love yours too... *turns her head to capture her lips* Just don't change it too much, eh? *grins, breath coming in much shorter pants*
Tonks: If you like. ::starts to go over the edge, shaking and moaning, fingers clutching at him::
Bill: *follows along with, screaming her name against her shoulders* Oh God... yes... Nymphadora...
Tonks: ::falls to the bed with him on top panting:: Now that's something I've never heard before. ::laughs::
Bill: *laughs against her shoulder* What?
Tonks: Anyone screaming 'Nymphadora' in pleasure. Usually I only hear it when Mum has the broom and a righteous look of anger on her face. But I like it coming from you.
Bill: *turns her around easily in his arms, pulling her close for a deep kiss* Let me yell it more often then?
Tonks: You win. ::rests her forehead against his:: I can't say no to you.
Bill: And I can't get enough of you. Convienent, innit?
Tonks: It is. ::yawning sleepily:: Sleep now, more shagging later. I want to fall asleep with your arms around me, for once.
Bill: *pulls her closely, kissing her forehead almost chastely* Sleep, Tonks. Work tomorrow and all that. *manages the comforter too*
Tonks: Thanks love. ::snuggling up close:: It's always better with you, after all.
Bill: It's the same with you. *thinks that it's never been like this, but doesn't much mind, stroking her hair as he drifts off*
Tonks: ::smiles happily as she falls asleep::