
Jan 22, 2006 02:23

C'mon, you want backstory with Elizabeth! Comment and I'll put you down! If you're a boy from 5-7th year, write your name down regardless. Elizabeth has a 90% chance of having a crush on you. Especially if you are a Quidditch player.

anna_farley - Elizabeth's best friend since... forever. The two visit each other a lot and have known each other from a very young age. They talk about everything. Fashion, school, guys, movies, weather, and whatever else comes to mind. The only thing they don't discuss is...
william_farley - Elizabeth's main crush. She gets awkward and shellshocked around him. Has been since last year, when she visited the Farleys over the summer. Pretty much everyone knows about her crush on William except for, of course, William.
arisha_ohearn - Elizabeth thinks Arisha is nice, but won't actively seek her out. As fellow puffs, they will sometimes sit in the stands together and watch Quidditch games or practices. Elizabeth will talk about the cute Quidditch players and Arisha will stare at her and twitch. Arisha will talk about the brooms and techniques and Elizabeth will stare at her and twitch.
bookwormbri - Elizabeth likes Bri a lot, despite Bri's poking fun at her over her crush(es). The two are friends and hang out quite a bit. They met at some pureblood shindig. They both adore potions, which is good, and they're both also prefects.
jack_macdonald - Elizabeth has a thing for Quidditch players. Jack is a Quidditch player. Therefore, Elizabeth has a thing for Jack. It's a minicrush, but she thinks he's absolutely adorable and snoggable.
lil_robertson - They get along fine, and talk about guys and girly stuff.
lexy_davis - Lexy is nice to Eliza, and Eliza is nice to Lexy. The two are friends who met through various pureblood shindigs, even though they aren't terribly close. Elizabeth will happily tell Lexy about anything interesting in her life, however.
acharcoalmurder - Elizabeth likes Dezzy, but mostly in a platonic way. Elizabeth will annoy Desmond by making him do things. Like talk to people. She has fun making him do things that he feels slightly uncomfortable doing. She swears she's good for him.
raven_brenna - Elizabeth thinks that Brenna is not as much fun as her sister. She doesn't really know Brenna, but still thinks she's okay.
addie_blackwood - Addie is a bit Gryffindor for Elizabeth, but that doesn't bother Elizabeth too much. And there's the weird Quidditch secrecy scariness between Addie and Anna, but Eliza totally doesn't understand that. Elizabeth and Addie's mothers were best friends during school, and have forced the two together. They share a shaky, somewhat dishonest friendship.
edward_mcmillan - Elizabeth knows Edward through various prefect duties. She thinks he's nice and, more importantly, very cute. And a quidditch player.
luke_powell - mmm... evil...
lil_idril - Bela and Eliza's older brother had some weird history or something. The two are good acquaintences and will hang out, but never too much and usually in groups. Elizabeth's mum always seem to be strangely friendly with Bela.
kezia_levaya - She's okay. Elizabeth really doesn't know her.
keegan_blackwell - ooh, another Quidditch cutie. Elizabeth stays away from him romantically because of Anna, though. The two are friends (Elizabeth goes to every single practice...)
wash_atkinson - Wash and Eliza go places. Eliza thinks he's funny. The two are Herbology partners and manage to... kill all the plants they've EVER worked on.

Other people she knows through prefect duties: Dominica Holstead, Elinor Meadows, Tin Ashford, Amarante Dubois, Lysander Kasparov-Cross, Jude Mortel, Amonya Sonntag
Other people she knows through similar classes: Dominick Starweller, Samantha Liu, Jude Mortel, Amonya Sontag.
Other people she knows through being in the same house: Lillith Chan, Rajani Kaur Parthasarathy, Tristan Cadfael, Jude Mortel, Tristian Raven.
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