The other new tune for Bodega on Saturday is "Rootshell". Which is all l33t and stuffs. Our ode to network intrusion.
Night and I'm on recon
Your dumpsters insecure
Stealthy gaining intel
Your confidence premature
I'm coming for you
Dropoff in your parking lot
Flashdrive loaded with malware
Hapless luser jacks it in
Your network now laid bare
I'm coming for you
I own your lan
Culmination of my plan
Absolute domination
I am your system aberration
nmap shows me all I need
Inject cross site attribute
Your weakness now is in my sight
Unprivileged shell execute
I'm coming for you
Your final defense breached
Falling like a domino
Privilege escalation root
Conquestum coram publico
I'm coming for you
I own your lan
Culmination of my plan
Absolute domination
I am your system aberration
Lurking on the wire
Barbarians at the gates
I am big brother
I own your packet trace