I suppose I should update this thing so people know that I'm still alive.
And I'm lj cutting this bitch, because it's probably boring to everyone.
For everyone's convenience, I'll go through a timeline of what I've been doing since leaving Victoria. Hold onto your hats, people, because I'm sure this is VRRY INTERESTING.
December.22 - Left work with mixed feelings. On one hand...leaving work = good, on the other hand, leaving certain co-workers (T to the Iff = negative good).
December.24 - 25 - Took the bus down to see parents and brother for a small, makeshift Christmas that actually turned out to be really, really nice. At this point, haven't seen Adam for entirely too long. Bussed back on the 25th. You don't even want to know the caliber of people who take the Greyhound on Christmas Day. Jolly crackheads and festive skids! And then I went back to my very empty, very sad apartment and waited for Adam's arrival. He came over on the ferry after his work was done. We spent the holidays watching "Deal Or No Deal" on TV. haha.
December.26 - Up arse early to collect Adam's mom Karen from the airport. I cannot tell you how much time, effort and energy this woman gave to us over the past few weeks. I adore her (and her son!!).
December.26 - 27 - CLEANING LIKE WOAH. We cleaned the hell out of that apartment and took no prisoners. By the time we were done, it was evening and we were tired. But we still managed to haul ass out to Butchart Gardens and take in the lights. It was a nice reprieve from the scrubbing and oven cleaning.
December.28 - The movers came!! Holy hell, if you ever have a choice between self moving and having people do it for you, PICK THE SECOND ONE. It was baffling and kind of trippy to watch these men take all of the possessions I had spent hours and hours packing and load them all into the truck in under 2 hours. They were incredible. I've never been so thankful to have other people touch my stuff. After the movers left, we did a touch more cleaning, got the inspection, and then high tailed it out of there. My emotional state at this point could be considered 'fragile'. We spent a night 'camping' at the new place as our stuff wasn't arriving until the next day. w00.
December.29 - The movers came at unloaded our crap at a higher rate of speed than they loaded it. I was baffled. Adam left for work leaving his mom and I to put some order into the chaos. We did a bang up job.
December.30 - January.6 - We spent these consecutive days unpacking and organizing. We also had a little wee Christmas with Karen, Adam and I. We spent New Years Eve here.
http://www.topofvancouver.com/gallery.html It was nice to settle down to a nice meal and not feel rushed. We did some sightseeing and spent a goodly amount of time in Deep Cove, which I adore. Mostly because it's like the antithesis of Vancouver.
January.7 - Flew back to Edmonton with Karen.
January.8 - 11 - Spent time with old drama friends (love love) and then got stuck in a blizzard. In Leduc. Hurrah.
January.12 - Fetched from Leduc by Lauren. Squealed about upcoming wedding (!). Went to wedding rehearsal. Didn't feel real. Stayed up WAY too late watching Robin Hood and yammering. Got about 3 hours of sleep between us.
January.13 - The big day!! Woke up hella early to go get hair and makeup done. I had so much hairspray in that I think I was actually flammable. Lauren did the most amazing thing to her hair with the inclusion of jewelery. I think I may steal her idea... She looked gorgeous. Hair and makeup took about half an hour more than we anticipated so we literally had about 10 minutes to change into our dresses and head back out the door to the church. We made it and had about 2 extra minutes to breathe before it started.
You'll be happy to know that I didn't forget my part nor did I do anything too embarrassing. I signed the marriage certificate and made everything nice and official. And I didn't cry (that came later...)
The ceremony was beautiful and meaningful and I'm so glad I made the trip back to be a part of it.
Then we made our way to the Sutton hotel for pictures. After 38493840832 hours of pictures, it was time for food!! YAY. They did a really excellent job with the catering. And and even more excellent job with the wine, as evidenced by my swift and complete intoxication. Oh Lord. And then....I had to give a speech. And I had it all planned out in my head. But then I got about 2 minutes in and completely broke down. To the point that I had to be rescued by Lauren. haha. Oh god. Drinking + emotion = WATERWORKS. So I was sufficiently embarrassed and drowned my sorrows with more wine...GOOD PLAN, STEPH.
And then...we danced. Like crazy. The DJ was great. He even played WTF songs like "Numa Numa" (plz watch this for brain melting.
So we all danced and danced and DANCED and I caught the bouquet (although...I'm not sure how seeing as my vision and coordination were most definitely impaired by this time).
And then I took a break from dancing and wandered, drunkenly, upstairs where I found another wedding and proceeded to infiltrate like a very drunken ninja. I was all stealth and inappropriate laughter. I don't remember much, but I do recall that they had the most god awful blue LED snowflake centerpieces that basically looked like someone raided the discount Christmas section of Canadian Tire. Even I thought it was unfortunate, and when I've had that much to drink, I love everything. On my way back down, I hugged lots of strangers, including a piano player. haha. He must have loved me.
And then I danced some more. Lauren's brother in law and I were both extremely drunk and I remember he was like "Steph, you have surprisingly good rhythm for someone so drunk!". I believe I said "fjkdsjfkldsfj JKljdklfrj" in response. He also told me I had nice teeth. Which I do! The bride and groom booked around midnight pleading exhaustion, but there were a few of us who danced it up until around 1, until the DJ was like 'um...I have to go'.
I hitched a ride back to Lauren's place with her mom and dad and didn't say anything too idiotic (I don't think...). I managed to take my makeup off, but then I basically fell face first on the bed and didn't move the entire night, so my hair stayed intact! HURRAH.
January.14 - This was the day of the gift opening. I woke up shamefully late and helped organize the house for the imminent arrival of the newly weds and other guests. And then...the newly weds didn't show up when they were supposed to. After numerous jokes about why they might have 'lost track of time' (har har), they showed up and said something about a hotel room mix up (SURE SURE). I had a job for the gift opening. I had keep notes on who gave them what. And I did a damn good job thnx.
Also, I realized that getting married means you get neat stuff!1
Later, after the opening was done, I got a ride back to Leduc from Lauren and Glen. After they dropped me off they were going home, and I immediately got an image of Lauren's old place. But then I had to remind myself that 'home' for them was somewhere different now....Weird.
January.15 - Flew back to Vancouver. Collapsed in Adam's arms and slept an ungodly amount.
And I just got my computer back from my dad a few days ago. So now I can dick around online again. Hoorah. And I'm still job hunting. I'm (gainfully?) unemployed now, which means I sleep a lot, read a lot, and talk at the cats a lot. And Adam's gone to Halifax for 3 weeks of training. Boo.
PS: Lauren! I just sent your card in the mail, because I'm a n00b and didn't have postage.