Oh my god, to think that I have to rewrite it twice. You're no fun lj, uh-uh not cute at all.
I hate doing the same things twice. Well whatever. I find that retracing back all the fun times and jotting it down in the form of this (diary), is fun. You can reread and revisit it in a years to come and probably joke about it too. "Hey, Can't believe I did this!) Ha! What a lame introduction that is. Okay, anyhow, I didn't do that much in 2015 since it was pretty busy for me (doing my master and all!), but here it is:
03042015- I own my first car. The K to my heart. It was somehow exciting yet it's kinda sad to even part with my TV (yeah, that whats it called. The nickname that we all had been familiarized to, among family members and my friends).But I had to let it go at some point, so I bid it farewell and welcome the new family members. (I know, I know it was just a piece of metal, but for the sake of it, just ignore those.)
19072015- Went to Padang Besar for a family trip (well not so much.)
13082015- Obtain my very first dean list. Well for someone it might not be that much to brag, but I find it a bit hard to obtain one, probably because the caursework is tougher, and probably my assignment isn't that good;-but oh well I personally think it's overrated. I mean there's a lot of recognizable university, but hey mine is tougher than that. Somehow. But I was so damn happy about it, since I haven't thought of obtaining one, with my first semester result blarring a good P1 at me. Well, anyhow I think of the struggle that I went through, the toughest Tuesday meeting, the camping period that I've done. It's all worth it went it come down to receiving an A at the end of it. Alhamdulillah.
01102015- Been hospitalized for the first time, getting an IV drip, doing a whole lots of blood test, getting a wide range of scans (name it), witnessing my blood going through the iv drips, getting through operation, with me being semi conscious and full knock out. What a bizarre experience that is.
25122015- Going to a roadtrip to Perak attending my friends wedding. I can't really believe that she's already tied up to someone else (which I'm really am happy for her).
I guess that is that. Well, I haven't fullfilled my Japan wishlist (which I'm going to cross in March, InsyaAllah). But then, I did cross one of it. Anyway for 2016:
; I want to make Japan happen (InsyaAllah)
; I want to finish my master (InsyaAllah)
; I want to migrate (probably the biggest decision ever. I just hope that I can pull it off somehow, with god's will)
; Find a nice guy (Been aiming at it since five/four years back.Cries)