Just sharing a couple of things I've made.
My Elder name is "walksalonghorizon." If you say it aloud (which is how names are given), you'll notice that it could be "a long" or "along." I don't know that the double meaning was intentional, but another Elder pointed it out almost immediately and I've liked it ever since. I generally write my name "walks a/long horizon", but here I didn't have to.
Remember when I posted
this story? Well, I still wear a plain silver ring some days, and now I've also made this as a reminder of my favorite piece of wisdom.
And now for one I made back in June...
Lid off (a bit):
I still have some work to do on this one (smooth off the edges of the lid, put a finish on the inside so it's less likely to be damaged by putting something in it). But I'm pretty pleased with how it came out.
I'm on the quest for design ideas. I want to push myself into trying different technical things, but I'm not always great at finding design ideas to do so. I'm thinking I might just make small pieces related to fandoms, then I can hopefully find people to give them to (possibly for the price of shipping). I've found some quotes I might try to make designs for, too. So we'll see when the fancy strikes me next, and what I actually get around to.
Thinking of texts, have you seen this new
illuminated Bible? I'm super excited about it - I think some of the illuminations are gorgeous, and I find the project beautiful in a spriritual sense, too.
(Did you notice that I finally learned how to make images display at a reasonable size? Yeah, that only took a few years...)