Bands // Song Titles Created by
BourdiezFreak and taken 17059 times on
bzoink!Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:David BowieAre you female or male:GirlsDescribe yourself:I Am DivineHow do some people feel about you:Strangers When We MeetHow do you feel about yourself:KooksDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Wishful BeginingsDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Lady Grinning SoulDescribe where you want to be:Foggy Day in London TownDescribe what you want to be:Prettiest Star/Future LegendDescribe how you live:Lust for Life/Growing Up and I'm FineDescribe how you love:Let's DanceShare a few words of wisdom:Pretty Things Are Going to Hell
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Go to bzoink! See me not being bitter?
Ah well... I'm having a pretty good break, and am missing all my Staug friends, and Staug in general! Anyone know if Capture the Flag will resume next semester? I'm learning/teaching myself how to knit, and that's only going vaguely well. I'm also eatting up books, being on atleast my 3rd and this is between my re-acquired "Magic: The Gathering" pc game addiction, christmas parties, knitting, and going out with either my parents or friends... Sadly Magic is what been eatting up more of my time than anything else. I'm also getting into another pc game called Majesty.. its kinda like Simcity, but mideval and you have missions to accomplish while you build up your city.
Hope everyone else's break/winter holiday is going well! I miss all of you, and can't wait to see you during break[Esp you, Laddle!], or when I'm back in Staug!