sorry about the errors....I know I'm lame.
I see that you dont follow instructions very well....
It’s about that time for me to express my feelings and general model of social DRAMA…most specifically that as it applies to, “our scene” drama. I’ll speak of some specific archetypes that we all are familiar with and I’ll try to quantify some of the sources and causes. Now upon reading this all if you feel the need to tear apart everything I say realize:
1. I know this already to be a very complicated dynamic system. NO, there are no absolutes……..and always exceptions to the rules.
2. This is still only a representation of my thoughts and opinions. Intelligent well structured comments of any nature are always welcome.
3. I know there is room for elaboration. I’m not going to write a book though. I hate writing. It’s not my thing.
4. Much like the warning label on a vibrator: this is for novelty purposes only, not for internal use, discontinue use if area becomes irritated or infected.
ALSO. If in your reading through you start “tripping” because you think I’m talking about you……….. well……………
1. Get over yourself and realize that out of the billions of people on earth there just might…maybe….perhaps be someone else that supports that description. No, you are not as special, or as original as you might have thought.
2. Ask yourself why you fit such a generic blanket statement of negativity.
3. Accept your accusing thoughts as a self supported proof of guilt.
4. Stop causing drama you Bastard. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.
I will not bother defining drama as its being used here. Any definition I give will be so subjective that I wont waste my energy. We all know what I’m talking about. Let’s just be vague and call it unnecessary interpersonal stress.
The question will arise as to whether or not there is MORE drama here in “our” Baltimore scene than other places. Well I say Yes and NO. The answer lies in realizing it is all a matter of perception. I’ve been to a lot of places and I’ve noticed that any small knit familiar community is a breeding ground for drama. It’s well known that Baltimore certainly has that going for it. It’s very difficult to go anywhere without seeing numerous familiar faces. You can practically hold one degree of separation (association) to yourself and anyone in the club. It’s more incestuous than a family of rednecks living by the Chattanooga River. Unlike SOME other places where it is easy to get lost in the crowd, there are no familiar faces to attach your memories and past interactions to.
I think much of the problem lies in the “club regular” mentality. You can differentiate this type of person from others in that clubbing becomes the backbone of all their social endeavors. It becomes an important intrinsic part of their lives. Once there is a melding of general LIFE with club time that is where trouble begins. Outings will cease to be a positive outlet for stress and a means of fun, and become a battle ground for personal problems. Hence a time and place to deal with interpersonal relationships and any other problem LIFE deals out. Some people are so conditioned to go to the club that they do it out of habit despite their fowl mood and obvious desire to not be there.
Let me start off my saying that 90% of the people who bitch and complain about drama the most are the very ones perpetuating it. 80% of those involved usually bring it upon themselves in some way. That being said…..if you fall into these categories then you are quite special if you are not part of problem. Yes, those percentages are scientifically substantiated.
I often wonder if half the time if we realize the fucked up things we do. I think that maybe it’s because we are self absorbed at times that we don’t. We should be grateful that we are so fulfilled with the basic needs of life that we have time to fret over BS. Perhaps we all have bits and pieces of many of these TYPES within us. The question is whether or not we have the courage or perception to recognize it.
Prototypes of importance:
DABBLER: Only frequents the clubs on occasions. Is not wholly concerned with establishing any meaningful connections with people and therefore avoiding drama due to the fact that they are not socially established within that COMMUNITY.
OBLIVIOUS: These party people are focused on one thing and one thing only. A good time. They are so focused on partying that complex scenarios played around them roll off their backs. Many of these types will use drugs and alcohol to augment their bliss.
BYSTANDER: Is aware of problems with people around them and will make honest efforts to not get involved unless it involves them directly.
FAUX BYSTANDER: Think and fool themselves into believing they are bystanders by not getting directly involved. They propagate rumor and bad vibes through various vessels and are often irresponsible in their words and actions as such. Although not particularly vicious they still are the meat and bones behind the problem, hence the structure with which a lot of these problems is built. There are way too many of these.
NOSEY: Loves to get involved in situations that don’t warrant their involvement. They run into the situation over passioned and without any significant accurate information on the situation. A lot of these are just friends of those involved that overreact and turn situations much worse. They often fail to realize that their friend may have been at fault and lack the objectivity to identify that notion. They are blinded by their over protectiveness.
THE “VICTIM”: These types I hate more than anything. I am ashamed to say that I’ve come across way to many of these in my day. I’m sure you have also. For whatever motive (desire for attention, lack of responsible moral) they choose to escalate situations way beyond their appropriate coarse of action. To them everyone and everything is the source of their deep and tragic lives.
Sometimes this condition manifests itself when a certain petty experience or event causes the “victim” to suffer. They then expect the entire community to halt and come to the beck and call to console and support their problems….never mind it was all something petty. Even more disgusting is that many of them LIE (mislead, misrepresent, SAME THING) about the event in order to win more sympathy or ammunition for their pitiful cause. They create a travesty for people who have real problems that need addressing.
Would I dare invalidate other people problems, YOU ask? Damn straight I would. We all will draw the line of what is a reasonable problem warranting a particular action differently…..maybe mine is just a little more strict. I think part of the problem with America today is that no one seems to want to confront their problems (or take responsibility for things they have created for themselves). Everyone’s a fucking victim. Learn to deal and cope with trivial bullshit by treating it as such. Jackasses.
KING OR QUEEN SHIT OF TURD HILL: Have especially high aggression levels, sometimes even physical aggression. Will often fancy themselves as just being “HONEST” or “up front” and people just can’t deal with it. I think anyone who knows anything about human nature will know that these types are nothing more than SCARED. They are afraid of everyone and react in the most primal of reactions to fear…aggression. They just don’t know how else to manifest it. There is a difference between being honest and being RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, and CRASS. These types usually get what they deserve and create so much drama for themselves that their social status eventually becomes bankrupt. They do more harm to themselves than anybody. The physical aggression types of these are especially ignorant. They make a travesty in comparison to all the people in the world who HAVE to fight even when they don’t want to. This type of person will create loads of trouble from even the most trivial of situations.
POTTY MOUTH: Has such low self esteem that they take pride and happiness in badmouthing people in a public manner to make themselves feel bigger. There is a difference between confiding in a CLOSE friend an opinion you have about someone AND being destructive and irresponsible with your words in public. Like people that might be cruelly specific on a public Journal (giving names). I can respect the right for someone to express their opinion on their own personal space….I would even defend that right. I think to point fingers and give names in or on a public space is CRASS, disrespectful, and irresponsible even if you are accurate in your portrayal.
THE ATTRITION: This person just does not know how to let it go. They refuse to let situations resolve into at least a peaceful state of avoidance. They will force (infringe in others personal space) and make their presence cumbersome to those they feel have wronged them, instead of just avoiding the person all together. They kind of go hand in hand with “the victim” in that they treat something as petty as a (overreact) simple lie or breach of trust as a lifelong quest that should begin with the phrase “My name is Inigo Montoya”.
Johnny’s final thought of the day (ala Jerry):
To sum it all up your insignificant bull shit problems belong at home not a public club. They should be taken up ONLY with those DIRECTLY involved or perhaps with CLOSE PERSONAL friends or relatives. You should take action to handle the situation HONESTLY, fairly and responsibly to the best of your ability. Finally: IF you can’t let it go………then just ……… us all a favor...and..........
Note: I’m sure its apparent that I have not been specific in how I personally cope or handle many of these phenomenon. Perhaps I will at another time………or just ask. I just wanted to comment on these things that I know cut into a lot of peoples personal fun………….after all I used to believe that the entire clubbing thing was supposed to be just that…..FUN.