So I was going through my Psycology book writing down definitions and ran across Insomnia, im like hmm what is that... as i read the definition.... I was like woah... maybe this will explain why im not sleeping
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It is normal to have insomnia on occasion. I would certainly say you have insomnia if this has been going on for more than two or three weeks(Not sure what diagnosticians state is the magic number. Couldn't find it in the DSM-IV.) Anyway, good or bad? Bad, but not life threatening bad, as you get a fair amount of sleep for an insomniac and it has not been going on for very long. When I had insomnia(There's been several times, actually), I slept usually only fifteen minutes a day. And this went on for almost a year. The most sleep I got was very rarely one hour. I am sorry that you're not sleeping well hun. But I can tell you most likely what is causing it for you: Stress. Yes, stress. You need to chill. Not worry...I know you do. I would suggest that you talk to your doctor so it doesn't get worse. Bring to the appointment a "Sleep diary" including for how long you slept and maybe, what was running through your mind that didn't let you fall asleep. Maybe moving the clock so you can't see it will help. Just have your
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Shasta’s right you should talk to your doctor before taking sleeping pills (it even says that in the commercials :)) But don’t be too worried about them, I take them on occasion and they rock! Tylenol makes some, it’s like Tylenol PM without the medicine; they are really mild and they work. My suggestion anyways.
It might not be as serious as insomnia or soemthing. If you screw with you're sleep schedual by taking naps then you're not going to feel tired at night. If you get tired around the time of your naps it's probably because you've convinced your body that that is a good sleeping time so it gets tired then. You can either force yourself not to nap any more and reset your sleep schedual to something normal, or if that's not possible sleeping pills perscribed by your doctor are an option. Overall I think you just need regular sleeping hours, insomnia is like Shasta said wher eyou won't sleep more than a couple hours in a week. Just because you're not tired doesn't mean you have insomnia, but it's up to you for how you want to deal with it.
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