Title: Tracking Focus Pairing/Focus: Hoya/Myungsoo Rating: PG Word Count: 3,177 Summary: Hoya doesn't know what he's doing at a photography exhibition until he meets Myungsoo.
omg I'm so sorry. I thought I had commented it but didn't TwT what a bad reader I am. I have loved every part of this story. This is beautifully written and some parts "talked" to me. The way Hoya and Myungsoo are interacting. The way Hoya talked about this first photography. This awkwardness that is not really one between them at first. You did a good job. Thank you so much for having taken the time to write this story :)
Hello! And haha oops took me long enough to reply too.
Thank you, too, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I've always liked the Soo/Hoya relationship but I've never actually written about them before so I was afraid I wouldn't do justice to the pairing. Thankfully I didn't ruin it? Heh. I enjoyed writing it too so thank you for the nice prompt~
Comments 3
I have loved every part of this story. This is beautifully written and some parts "talked" to me.
The way Hoya and Myungsoo are interacting. The way Hoya talked about this first photography. This awkwardness that is not really one between them at first.
You did a good job. Thank you so much for having taken the time to write this story :)
Thank you, too, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I've always liked the Soo/Hoya relationship but I've never actually written about them before so I was afraid I wouldn't do justice to the pairing. Thankfully I didn't ruin it? Heh. I enjoyed writing it too so thank you for the nice prompt~
You're so welcome. Looking forward to reading more of you~
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