It's Easter and I'm tired and definitely in need of a better diet.
A nice friend of mine (not all of my friends can be categorized as nice) replied to one of my posts stating that I should post more often, like, everyday. Oh how I wish.
My brain is steeped in new honesty now that I can't even give the old usual excuse that I don't have a pc at home to explain my erratic blog-posting behavior. Knowing myself a bit better than before I just know that even if I had a wi-fi enabled laptop and Pampanga was one huge hotspot, I'd still miss not just a day of blogging.
I need better time and task management skills. Where to start...where to start....
One of my friends, R.R. Hilton asked me and his other friends how many upper teeth a normal human should have because the last time he saw Lani Misalucha smile on tv she looked like she had twice as many teeth. totally irrelevant but it was funny when he said it.
See how ADD I can get?
Speaking about blogging, RR and I talked about our Starbucks journals. Yes, we spent precious minutes that could have been used to figure out how to make the world a better place for our future nephews and nieces (we're both gay) talking about Starbucks journals.
I don't know if a Starbucks journal is a sign of anything aside from being able to spend a relatively small fortune on leather jacketed journal that has nice paper.
Both RR and I bemoaned the fact that our journals had blank days and weeks inside them --- days and weeks that we lived but failed to memorialize on paper. Cue Seasons of Love please....
Instead of sudden bursts of enlightenment or funny quips to describe my days, my planner/journal is more of a book version of my to-do-list -- lists that are just reincarnations of themselves...with rearranged items. ugh. alavet.
Tomorrow I will start my new class; tomorrow will be first day of a new month in the morning shift after spending the last one in the graveyard shift. Sunshine is back in my life. More sunshine, more light to see my lists and their contents.
I know what to do, I'll just distract myself even more by contemplating on Alanis' new video parodying the BEP's My Humps