I am whelmed. I don't want to say I'm overwhelmed, but probably I am.
Since the middle of last week my shoulder muscles have been tensing like a trigger happy junkie's nostril. I worked on a Saturday without thinking or wishing I was somewhere else. Saturday night I ended my shift on time, no extra hours to be spent for anything, but I still stayed an extra hour just because.
I then went to meet with the first batch of trainees I trained back in Aug06 for one of their peer's bon voyage party. I spent more than 3 hours singing with them and listening to my kids sing their lungs out --- and weirdness of weirdness, the tightness in my shoulders got tighter.
Due to the growing knots that were bugging me and draining me of my energy I decided to skip my weekly ritual of dancing the Saturday hours to Sunday morning and just head home.
The building tension on my shoulder only grew worse by Sunday but eventually subsided when I took a hot bath in the middle of the afternoon -- the combined heat from the water and the summer was just enough to make the pain tolerable. Being OC with making the most of my weekend I trooped to the salon to get my pedicure and then the local mall to buy two local fashion mags. Shopping is proven to raise endorphin levels in some individuals and I am one of those. =)
After one ride to SM Clark, 3 hours in the mall, and almost three thousand worth of purchases I was ready to move to the spa to have a massage and then call it a day.
However something happened that made me worry and feel excited at the same time? A threesome with Brad and Angeline? Nah...they haven't returned my call yet.
My boss called me to discuss the coming week's plans; he gave me stuff to do like call the other trainers to update them with their respective schedules, prepare the evaluation and training demos of the three agents we will hire as trainers, etc. We talked for close to 30 minutes with me hunched over my pad scribbling like the caffeinated gay guy that I am.
When we ended the call and I was reviewing what I wrote with my weird handwriting, I suddenly looked up and told my friend that the knot on my shoulder was gone. Then my hand flew straight to where the nasty lump was and found out it was still there, only it wasn't aching. I didn't feel like I was in Kill Bill and carried pails of water up and down 10 million steps.
I am officially an alcoholic. Err, a workaholic. And Alavet.
As for the Ally McBeal moment, my ex texted me the other night asking if I can see him and his new partner. Like WTF??
I tried getting in touch with him after we broke up which was six months ago. He didn't reply nor bother to initiate and now he is inviting me to see him AND his new boo?
Don't worry, I don't mind meeting my ex's new beaus - I'm friends with all of my ex's but this one is special, abnormally special. I smelled a planned meet up. One of my fag stags also agrees, and considering he is straight giving me advice, it has some importance.
Ex's smeckches.