This almost qualifies as a bitchfit/rant session except I am not actually bitching or ranting, just simply sharing.
After spending around 4 hours in this internet cafe earlier I found my self needing some stretching and walking (plus I almost forgot I had errands to run) which led me to the nearest (almost smallest) mall in town.
After finishing my errands I decided to stop by Firenzi Espresso Cafe and ordered a Caramel Frapuccino because I felt a bit parched and needing some sugar kick to stop me from getting cranky (the tropical climate here in the Philippines and I don't mix well).
After 7 minutes the attendant/waiter/janitor (they're either understaffed or don't have any uniforms) served me this:
The picture was taken immediately after it was served -- like 10 seconds?. Sorry for the blurred image. Below is how it's top looked like.
I hadn't touched it when I took the picture. It was....deflated. See the bubbles? And I think the two white things were tiny scoops of ice cream. Eeew, much?
When I sipped it (come on, the price was nearly half of the daily minimum wage here), it was too sweet and it's ice was gritty like they just pummelled a block of ice and got the small bits to put in my order. The presentation was just plain bad which was not unlike its taste.
After 5 minutes I just decided to get my bill and leave. I asked for a glass of water so I can wash down the nasty and overpriced syrup that masquaraded as a frapuccino.
My bill and my glass of water arrived at the same time and it seems consistency (in poor quality) is Firenzi's motto. Just take a look at what they served me. Again, I hadn't taken a drink when I took the snapshot. Talk about being stingy with your ingredients especially with this order the only ingredient was water, tap water at that!
If I could have only foreseen this I would have just bought Gatorade for the thirst and maybe a pack of Tictacs for the sugar. I could have at least have had fresher breath with that option.