You're at this party and you're looking around trying to decide who to go over and talk to. you see a group standing by the pool laughing and messing around and having what you're pretty sure is a Good Time. these are the Highs. you get a real good vibe from them. they remind you of things like waking up thinking you have to go to school only to realize that it's saturday, and finding 10 bucks in a pair of jeans you forgot where you had left, and dancing without caring if you look stupid cause you're too drunk/happy to care. they talk loud and know lots of jokes and if you ever feel like driving around blasting She Wants Revenge and yelling at people, these are the people to know. you start to make your way over to them cause they seem like the most fun to hang around....BUT there's a catch. standing right next to the Highs are the Lows, looking nervous and uncomfortable, trying to keep as far away from the water (and other people) as possible. the Lows are the depressed, emo-ish kids who are always in the process of getting their hearts stomped on again or going crazy with anxiety because they're scared to death of getting their hearts stomped on again. they remind you of hurt and emptiness, nights when you couldn't sleep even after you'd cried your eyes out, times when you just didn't see the point of it all. you definitely don't wanna be around these guys, talk about mood-killers. but the thing is, they come along with the Highs, wherever the Highs go the Lows are always right there too. so what do you do?
well, after standing there for a good while trying to make sense of it all, you realize that there's another group standing off to the side, over by the balcony and easily missed among all the noise and craziness going on. this group is harder to describe, because they're not doing anything particularly noteworthy. they're mostly just kind of...there. some are talking, but not very loudly and not about how hyper they are or how suicidal. some are simply checking out the view, or having a smoke. you're still having some trouble figuring out what this group's deal is when suddenly it comes to you and you almost hit yourself for having missed it before. these are the Middles, those rare people who experience neither the dizzying heights nor the gut-wrenching depths, just the calm and contented places in between. here you can trade in the Good and the Bad and be left instead with the Alright and be better off for it.
so...even if it's only a temporary move and eventually you go back to hanging with the Highs and the Lows, it's good sometimes to get away from the pool and all the drama that's going on there. so i'm heading over to the balcony to check it out...