Title: Jun’s Dream House Author: eiko_lotus Length: One Shot Pairing: The owner of my soul Rate: R Disclaimer: They belong to each other Warning: No Beta and too lazy to check...
"he had realized that Ohno Satoshi was and will always be the home he'll return to." It's so cute when they already considered the bonsai trees as their kids! LOL I think it feels so warm when you get too excited to go home because you know that somebody is waiting for you. I'm looking forward for more Juntoshi fluffiness! OMG This is so freaking sweet, eiko-san! <3
Because Jun's love to his bonsai only slightly lower from his love to his Satoshi. lol. With Jun's promotion lately, some stories were formed just like that, like this one. It was writing itself in my head, i just need to type it, let's hope we will have some more ne... Thank you for reading Hana-chan :*
Comments 4
It's so cute when they already considered the bonsai trees as their kids! LOL
I think it feels so warm when you get too excited to go home because you know
that somebody is waiting for you. I'm looking forward for more Juntoshi fluffiness!
OMG This is so freaking sweet, eiko-san! <3
With Jun's promotion lately, some stories were formed just like that, like this one.
It was writing itself in my head, i just need to type it, let's hope we will have some more ne...
Thank you for reading Hana-chan :*
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