I agree that Santa Olivia would be suitable for slightly older YA audiences. I finished the book yesterday! Thank you for the loan! I agree, what Carey did with Loup was really interesting, and the portrayal of a character without fear, and therefore without the learned brashness that comes with feeling fear and trying to hide it, was surprising and spot on. Also, the way that affected the plot and the dramatic tension was interesting. It was left up to the reader to sustain it; at no time was Loup really afraid. That Carey pulled that off at all is impressive. I have some issues with the ending, but I will have to think about it further before I make a final judgment. The fact that it's not a standalone (though it could be) takes the edge off that, though. I really liked the book, and it held my interest despite a surprising amount of it being about boxing. That part was actually quite interesting. So, overall, very cool.
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