dundee (taken off my tumblr)

Oct 17, 2009 15:40

9AM on Saturday morning and I’m just in. Not been home since Thursday, had the best day EVER yesterday.

Slept from 10pm til 4am on Thursday night, Nicole (who hasn’t yet slept) and I got into Glasgow for half 5 to get our bus to Dundee at 6:25, getting us into Dundee at about 8. We were first in the queue. That was the first time I’ve ever aimed for barrier.

Queued for a really long time before we decided to go round to where all the buses were to see if Nicole could meet TDWP, and who should walk towards me but Batty C! So I had a wee chat with him and he was complaining about having eaten too much food recently so he had to go for a run two days in a row and his legs hurt haha. I was like ‘won’t be doing any of your leaps tonight then eh?’ and he’s like ‘oh no, I’ll manage them’. He then told us to tag along with them after the show cos we didn’t have to get our bus til 6 the next morning. Love him, my goddd.

Went back round the front for a bit then ventured back round the back for Nicole again and who should walk towards me but Rou and Rory! I was like :D ahaha. And like 15 seconds after we’d finished talking and they’d walked away, Batty and Rob came round the corner, and I was like ‘I promise I’m not stalking’ to Batty lmao. He was like ‘it’s cool’ but I can tell he was like :| ahaha. Nicole eventually got to meet Jeremy from TDWP who was ADORABLE, MY GOD.

So yeah, got into the gig and was centre barrier for the entire show. Opening act was fucking awesome, TDWP were good even though the lead singer was on the barrier the entire time and sweated all over me. Shikari were incredible though, best I’ve seen them. Played like 16 (?) songs in their set. I can’t even put into words how amazing that was.

Afterwards Nicole and I ventured round the back to see if any more of TDWP would come out (we met the wee drummer who was also ADORABLE. And is very light. More later) but I once again met all of Shikari and got signatures. Told Rory about Nicole and I’s escapade to Dundee and he was like ‘so how long will you have been up for by the end of tonight then?’ and I was like ‘well our bus doesn’t leave til 6, so’ - and I just went for it - ‘we’ll literally be having no sleep tonight, haaah?’ and he burst out laughing and was like ‘that was a good one!’ and high fived me. Went away and spoke to Chris about beer and Rou about some drunk guy who’d invited us all to a party, and Rou congratulated me on making it through the show on no sleep at barrier. HE REMEMBERED! Ahaha.

Went back to Rory cos I’d finally worked out how long I’d have been up for by the end of the night (26 hours) and he was like ‘wow…’ and then pulled me into an amazing hug and was like ‘thank you so much!’ and I was like :| first time I’ve not had something to say lmao, I was just like ‘it’s no problem, it’s completely worth it to see you guys live’. Cheesy I know.

After that, Nicole and I went into the afterparty. Saw Rob and followed him to find the others and were met with the site of a wasted Batty C dancing while holding two drinks (both for him), and the wee TDWP drummer completely wasted too. Nicole needed air so we went up to the smoking area, where we met two random Irish guys who knew this random English guy who got us into the VIP area! (ILY whoever you are!). By this point, due to how tired I was, I was already pretty drunk. Went up to Rory (who was clearly wasted by this point) and the first thing he said to me was ‘do a Michael Jackson impression with my cap on’ so I did some shitty moonwalk thing and I think Rory loves me. Even though I insulted his Samuel L Jackson impression. He was like ‘right now I’m Rory Clewlow’ then he turned his cap backwards and did THE WORST american accent ever and went ‘and now I’m Samuel L Jackson!’ and I held his hand and went ‘Rory… You’re just not black’ and he looked genuinely surprised at this revalation. Then he started doing some punching thing and I asked him about it and he went ‘you analyse me as Rory C, as Samuel L and now you’re analysing this?’ and I was like ‘I’m an analytical person’ ahaha. Then Rou appeared from nowhere and brought out the camera so I may be on a youtube video. Oh, and I had to film Rory giving an air guitar lesson to some guy wanting to learn Juggernauts.

Then there was Chris. I’ve never seen someone so drunk in my life lmao. I was like ‘HEY CHRIS!’ and he was like ‘hellooooooo’ and I hugged him and then he kinda just didn’t move his head from my shoulder and I was like ‘well this is awkward’ but then it turns out he was asleep on my shoulder. Some guy came up and was like ‘he’s thrown up on your shoulder’ and I pushed him off like ‘Batty if you’ve chucked on my shirt I’m not coming to Glasgow tomorrow’ and he looked like D: and then I went ‘I’m just kidding, I’ll be at Glasgow, of course’ and he smiled like (=D) that smiley and was like ‘it takes a lot more than this to make me throw up. However, I may have fallen asleep on you’ and I obviously did not mind one wee bit. He used me as a leaning post for fucking ages and the whole time I’m like ‘omg ily’ inside ahaha. He asked me my name and I’m like ‘I’m Eilidh, hey Chris’ and HE SAID MY NAME (SO CUTE OMG) and then he’s like ‘…I absolutely won’t remember that tomorrow’. I’ll remind him, ahaha. I then forced him to agree to come out in Glasgow after the show and he’s like ‘you shouldn’t be tempting me!’ ahaha. Ooh and also, the wee drummer from TDWP came up and used me and Chris’ shoulders to jump up and went ‘LIFT ME!’ and Chris is like ‘I GOTCHA. I GOTCHA… IDON’TGOTCHA’ and dropped him lmao! He also remarked on the fact I hadn’t changed my clothes since the gig and was saying that I’d probably have on the same outfit in Glasgow and I was like ‘You’re so mean!’ and he laughed and gave me a wee hug and he was instantly forgiven.

Nicole and I also had a lovely wee chat with Jeremy from TDWP. He remembered us :D Lovely guy.

So yes, I’m just home, I’m cold and tired and starving but omg. Tonight’s going to have to be INCREDIBLE to top last night, seriously.

enter shikari

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