Thank you, Lost, for once again making my brain feel like it got hit by a train going 200 miles an hour and then being dropped from a 200 story building in a fish bowl. I may have to resort to watching this very good crack (and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible) in slow motion. No really, my brain is feeling well and truly FUCKED
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Comments 7
Ugh, my brain needs more coffee before it is capable of discussing Lost. I think words might very well fail me. You need to see this stuff for yourself. Seriously, if someone can explain to me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, there are cookies to be had!
Also, the finale starts next week, I think. There's a part one next week and then a part two (which is two hours long) the week after that. UGH, THE THOUGHT OF A HIATUS BEING THAT CLOSE IS KILLING ME DEAD!
- Christian is ded.
- Claire is ded.
- Locke has a destiny. [Hey, just like Kara!]
- Richard is the immortal guardian of an island that MOVES but he doesn't like knives.
- And Micheal can disarm a guns with just his mind!
- Damon and Carlton are fucking with us and laughing their asses off.
- Damon and Carlton are totally messing up this show. Oh wait, sorry, that's Ron. Whoops.
- Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is as it appears.
And really "NOTHING, I REPEAT NOTHING IS AS IT APPEARS" is probably the only conclusive description of that episode. Gah, if the finale is like this, my brain will NEED a hiatus to RECOVER.
[But yes, I am loving it. Sheesh, I hope they keep up the frantic pace until the finale. Eek, only two more weeks. DO NOT LIKE!]
Repeats with you *nothing is as it seems, nothing is as it seems*
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