I'm just copying and pasting my comment that I left on inara223's LJ, cause that comment was ridiculously long and I really don't have much more to say on the subject.
Man, man, man. That finale was something else. I'm still completely overwhelmed and not entirely satisfied at the same time. Seriously, my brain is poodles. Puddles. Pringles. Pastries. Whatever.
Dude, I'm seriously hating on Captain Jack for not hugging Donna. I just really wanted to see her face during the hugging.
Also, I know absolutely what Captain Jack was thinking. Please let there me fanfic? Maybe minus Captain Jack, cause considering that I don't even like him all that much, I seem to be talking about him incessantly? Mhmm. Ten/Donna/Ten. Ten/Rose/Ten. Ten/Martha/Ten. Martha/Ten/Donna. Rose/Ten/Donna. Ten/Rose/Donna/Ten. So many delicious possibilities.
And ughughugh, DOOOONNNNNAAAAAAAAA. WAAAAAAAAIL. I WANT/NEED HER TO COME BACK. I mean, this is the part of the episode that GOT to me and GOT TO ME GOOD. I was screaming, yelling, crying for Donna at the end. It was the Donna episode of squee&tears. MAN, I LOVE CATHERINE TATE.
And at the same time, I was disappointed. The first 30 minutes felt really tight and the pieces fit together and it felt very coherent. The rest of the episode seemed like it was structurally falling apart. As if they were just trying to tie loose ends and it just wasn't that good.
I mean, I have been HOPING for that happy ending for Rose ever since I started watching Doctor Who. I shed many many many tears on Daerlinck Ulf Stranden the first time around. I've been rewatching Season 2 and I was so great and gutwrenching at the same time. Damn Satan Pit. Damn Doomsday. And NOW we get this kiss? NOW?
I mean, it was nice and good and the fangirl in me was squeeing. But the more rational part of me wishes it hadn't happened. Two years have passed and the impossible has happened. I never thought I'd get over Rose, but in time (and space), I learned to love Martha and fell head over heels for Donna. And this rational part feels nothing at the Rose/Ten. It feels cheated out of a spectacular ending for Donna and Ten. It's as if my emotions haven't really been given enough to really grieve and be angry for what Donna lost. Doomsday was so powerful in that regard, because it had me crying and rewatching the finale for months and months after it aired.
And I don't know if it's going to happen with this. I don't think so. There was just waywayway too much packed into this episode to properly deal with everyone involved.
[But lol, fantastic callback to Gwen/Eve Myles being on Doctor Who in S2. That was great.]