The one who takes, borrows, and steals- romance, comedy, fluff, safe
Virtual confession- fluff, comedy, romance, safe
Merge- fluff, romance, comedy, safe
I (kame) touch myself- selfsmut (????)NC17ish
What matters in life varies in time- chibi akame, fluff, romance, AU
Photo album- let's make memories- romance, safe
Selfish - romance, wannabe angst, bit of fluff
Angel's sent- romance, slight angst, AU
Midnight present- fluff, romance, slight comedy
Lovers or cheaters- comedy, AU
Picture perfect- AU, romance, SFish
Heechul said- comedy, AU, romance
Donghae writes a letter aka confession time - AU, crack, fluff
My little stalker (series- COMPLETED)- romance, fluff, comedy, safe
prologuechapter 1chapter 2chapter 3chapter 4chapter 5chapter 6chapter 7chapter 8 chapter 9epilogue And an one-shot with lovely Dewi <3 ( i was aiden and she was her beloved monkey~),
link to her account n ficu ^^
Midnight chat at 1 am
Love in snow-safe, angsty(?)
Arguments- comedy, PG-13+ (minor swearing) drabble-ish
Answers- romance, PG-13
Off track- friendship, romance, AU, PG-13
Grinch in a box- fluff, safe
Slutty Ueda- JE life, romance, safe
Bad Love- historical, failed smut ^^"
Only one- comedy, angst, romance, JE life- safe
Taste- heading towards smut but not quite it ...
Apologize- fluff-safe
Mirrored- angsty-safe
The Contract ( for the ficolate exchange@ Ryoda community)- safe, AU, character death
Heechul<3 -
Heechul's perfect match - crack PG-13
Confession class- fluff- under PG-13
Boss- gangster, romance, action, fluff PG-15
You're pathetic- crach, comedy, romance, AU, safe, minor swearing
I had to f-lock all my fics because of privacy issues
If anyone outside my f-list wants to read my fics, please feel free to befriend me for the necessary period of time and then let me know when you want to be removed, I harbor no hard feelings ^^ I'm just really sorry it had to be a bit more complicated for you to read my fics
love s2