Recent net searches on vehicles to replace the now 8 year old and half falling apart xterra or the SRSLY fubarred Elantre reveal that vehicles worth driving are vastly overpriced for what you get.
Seems as tho I am stuck between pumping thousands (on the order of 5k in the last two years) into these pos's or buying some overpriced plastic car.
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Comments 1
1st car had 10 years. Had no major problems with it. Just wanted a new car,
This car have had for 6 years. Only have had to replace 2 belts and normal mantainance.
They go for between 15 - 20k.
Find all the dealers that you are willing to drive to to get a car.
Email them asking for prices (make sure you have your make, options, colour).
Take the 3 lowest bids you like and send email to all the dealerships again asking them to beat the lowest price.
Worked will for us. Only paid a bit over 10k for our Nissan Sentra doing it that way.
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