Title: Brownie Batter
Rating: R
Spoilers: Mostly "6B"
Characters/Pairings: Olivia, Peter, Peter/Olivia
Summary: From then on she knew she'd never look at baking the same way again.
Warnings: Smut.
Disclaimer: If I owned the show ,this scene would be in an episode.
A/N: Birthday present for my friend Ambre :)
Baking would never be the same... )
Comments 2
Now the kitchen. I know, I know, I asked for it. But you are too blame if I can never focus on dialogs in episodes anymore XD
Thank you so much for the gift baby, as you can imagine, I LOVED IT!!! Does it make me very creepy if I said I wouldn't mind being one of the neighboors? Or the batter. Wait, now that's creepy.
My brain is just not working herp derp. I APPROVE OF THE SEX IN THE KITCHEN!!
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