Title: A Name
Rating: PG
Spoilers: S3 finale.
Characters/Pairings: Olivia, Our Lincoln, Red Universe Charlie, Olivia/Peter.
Summary: As they work to fix what has been damaged, Olivia starts to feel an oddly familiar yet foreign presence.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own, you know this.
A/N: This is set in S4.
Lincoln had asked her, several times, if she was alright, and she would always tell her partner that she was. But she was lying. She hated lying to him. He was her best friend. Her rock in hard times. He was like a brother to her. But something was off, something didn’t feel right, and she didn’t want him to worry about her.
It all started just after the universes collided. They were working at a table in the lab at Liberty Island, all four of them. Her, her alternate, Lincoln, and the alternate version of Charlie Francis. While she poured over files with Charlie , Lincoln and her alternate went over the math. Suddenly she looked up from the file she was studying, as if she was going to see someone she knew and hadn’t seen in awhile. She saw nothing.
“Olivia, I know you hate it when I ask but…” Olivia turned to look at the man across from her at the table and she smiled.
“I’m fine Lincoln, really. I guess I’m just out of it is all. It has been a tense few days.” Lincoln nodded, pushed his glasses back up his nose, and looked back down at the equation in front of him.
That was the first of several instances where Olivia kept expecting to look up and see someone she knew was important, and saw no one, or at least, not who she was expecting. And that was the really weird part. She didn’t know who it was exactly that she was supposed to be expecting to see. Charlie, her Charlie, had been dead for a year now, swallowed up by a blast from a bomb detonating during an incident in New York. Neither she nor Lincoln had gotten over his death, not yet. But this …felt different. This feeling she got when she expected to see this mysterious person, felt more like she was being drawn to her soul mate, her lover, not her mentor and other best friend. It was laughable though. She had a shit track record when it came to boyfriends, so why did she keep expecting to see her soul mate of all people, standing there?
“Hey Lincoln…and everyone else I guess, I’m going to go to the cafeteria and get something to eat, do you want anything?” As soon as she got some mumbled orders from the rest of her group, she headed towards the small cafeteria that was down the hallway. As she looked at the selections, she felt, once again, a presence behind her. She spun around and only saw the people in lab coats that Walter had hired to help with the situation, as well as the other people hired by Walternate, eating at the tables. She gathered up the orders and headed for the cashier. As she was waiting for the total, she could have sworn she heard her name being called by a voice that was both entirely unfamiliar, yet more familiar to her then her own. When she turned her heard, she saw, and heard , no one. She paid for the food, and moved out of the way. As she tried to figure out how to balance everything, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and for a moment, just a moment, she saw a face she did not know, but loved with every part of herself, without knowing why, until it faded away to a different face.
“Hey, I came to see if you needed help with carrying the food.” Charlie was smiling at her, clearly nervous , not knowing how to act around her or what to say.
“Oh, uh…yeah. That would be great. I think I overestimated my balancing skills.” she replied, laughing. Charlie laughed as well, and took two of the trays she had in front of her. As they walked back, she could have sworn she saw, out of the corner of her eye, the form of a man with brown hair and kind eyes.
These incidents kept happening for months. It had now been three to be precise. Now she didn’t tell Lincoln the truth because she was sure he’d either have her institutionalized, or , more likely, laugh at her and tell her she needed more sleep. It was like she was being haunted by a ghost, a ghost of a person she used to know and love. The ghost of her yet to be met soul mate. But, she wondered as she and Lincoln shared stories about their childhoods as they were being transferred to the docks from Liberty Island, how could you feel the presence of a person you had never met? How could you know this person existed , that they had your heart, when you had never really seen them before, or met them?
Then, one night, as she tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep for a long list of reasons, it happened.
She said a name of a person she thought she did not know .
The End