Brigit's Flame June Contest Week One

Jul 10, 2011 15:26

Title: A Wrong Turn
Author: eiremauve
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 187
Prompt: Bad Advice
A/N: This is terrible, I make no excuses. It could perhaps be good if expanded upon, though.

I really should have gone the other way round, but who can blame me? The map seemed to be accurate, at least from what I somewhat vaguely recalled, so I took the turn onto what should have been Spring Street a block away from my new house. Only it wasn't. I squinted at the sign and saw that it said "Jurassic Park Ave." Half expecting a velociraptor to attack me, I turned around swiftly. There was nothing, thank goodness. Now, at this point I would normally have used a cellphone, but I had none, so I resolved to turn back around and hopefully find someone who knew where I should go. 
Only for some reason nobody did. So I went into the and rummaged around for a phonebook, those usually have maps. They did-but it was the wrong one. By this time I was hot and sweaty and starting to get annoyed. So following my own vague memories, I started off again.
Who knows how much time later I finally stumbled into the door and saw my husband. 
"They really need to change the map" I said. 
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