Glee 3.13 "Heart" Episode Commentary and Thoughts

Feb 15, 2012 02:34

A/N: Forgive the screencaps, my capture program isn’t working atm, so I had to just use PrntScr every time I wanted a pic, so the media player bar is always at the bottom since I have it paused. Otherwise, there would be more. Trust me, there are plenty at the end. ;D

Aww, sadpanda!Kurt. =(
Okay, Rory is probably the cutest thing ever.

JEFF GOLDBLUM. SOMEONE HOLD ME. I'll stay quiet so you don't have to read my SQUEEEEEIIIIINNNNGGG



Hey. There is nothing wrong with your best friend being your mom! ;P

The GodSquad. Wow. This is the first time we've ever heard of them, & oh look, just in time for Samuel Larsen's debut.

The whole scene w/ Rory. "Chicks dig accents." You are SO RIGHT, Rory! /chick who digs Irish accents


Did they judge acting on The Glee Project as well as singing? far, I think Damian's a better actor than Samuel. I realize 1) I'm biased for Damian, & 2) I haven't seen as much of Samuel...but still. Just saying.

*gasp* Rory, you didn't!

"I wanted to make you a CD, but this was as far as I got by myself."

"Miss Lo-payz" I love the way he, everything. "Key-dollar-sign-ha".

Puck: "Congratulations, when’s the baby due?"

So, Kurt thinks Finn & Rachel are making a mistake getting married so young, when he's been married for several months now? Oh, this is actual canon, not RPcanon, right. I get confused when the episodes don’t suck.

Rachel: "I'd have loved to see you in a bridesmaid's dress, Quinn. You as well, Kurt." The look on FINN'S face at that line! XD

OK, Artie's whole performance was cute. And by "Artie's whole performance" of course I mean Kurt. Although Artie's voice was very nice, I don't think he usually sounds so smooth. Maybe it's just me.

Also, Rory has THE CUTEST POUT. Or maybe it's just the cutest mouth, period.

Santana: "I fully support your right to be unhappy with Finn for the rest of your lives." AMEN, SISTAH!! XP

I like the song "Stereo", but...meh. Actually, I’d never heard it until Glee covered it, but I mean it’s a nice enough song…I’m not just like “OMG I LOVE THIS SONG SOOO MUCH AAAAAAHHHH”. Like it seems a lot of people are. =|

Okay, I...have mixed feelings/thoughts about the fact that Kurt thinks his secret valentines are from Blaine. (Yes, I know who they're actually from, I couldn't miss it, scrolling through my Tumblr dash trying to find the ep d/l link, & also several people had figured it was Karofsky before the ep aired, so it wasn't a complete surprise.) Positive: I think it's adorable that Kurt is so in love with Blaine that he only thinks of him in re: to the notes. Negative: It's kind of sad that even though it's signed "Your Secret Admirer" Kurt automatically assumes they're from Blaine, meaning he doesn't seem to think it's possible for anyone else to like/be infatuated with him. He stated himself last year he's the only out kid at his school. Even excluding Karofsky (which I don't think Kurt knew about when he said that particular quote, but I don't remember exactly when he said it, so I could be wrong), there MUST be other gay students at McKinley. Law of averages. (Not including Brittana, in this case I mean "gay" as in male homosexuals). So, it's sweet that he thinks it's Blaine, & that he's only thinking of Blaine...but it's kind of negated by the fact that he doesn't seem to be entertaining ANY other ideas. (Also, for someone who texted him with "COURAGE" a week after they met, Blaine's got a bad eye/is possibly in the hospital, but he can't communicate with Kurt/vice versa AT ALL? They allow cellphones in hospital rooms. They allow whole laptops, I know from experience. So Kurt can't just say "Got your valentine/gorilla-gram today!" & Blaine be like "Wtf are you talking about?" Fail, Glee, fail.)

.../Kurt-stan (for now)

Yeah Finn, Rachel, that is certainly enough. God, don't you make out enough elsewhere? Ugh. I ship you, & it's getting old.

Aww, Rory! Just let me hug you, sweetie! (He said his Visa extension had been turned down, & I was afraid he'd be leaving a lot sooner than the end of the school year.) Come on, Rory--just have your family move to America, problem solved! ;P (It's Glee, things like applying for citizenship are laughed at! Reality, what’s that? I’m surprised they even mentioned Rory’s Visa…although it was JUST for the song setup, pretty much.)

Kurt's about to cry!! Aww!

Mercedes: "We have to figure out how the GodSquad feels about singing to gay people." Wow, um, homophobic much, Mercedes? Are we supposed to just completely ignore the fact that she & Kurt were besties for at least 2 years? Despite the Hummelberry love of late, I've never heard/seen anything to say they aren't STILL BFFs, it's just never shown anymore. (Not that I mind: I'm not a fan of Mercedes. I've just never really "gotten" her character, so it's hard for me to like her. Plus, Grilled Cheesus just made me want to punch her repeatedly.) Is that it? Did they not *really* make up after Grilled Cheesus, despite Kurt going to her church with her?

Sam: "Well, 3 of us are in Glee club so we pretty much sing to gay people all the time." BEST. COMEBACK. EVER. Thank you, Sam! I'm sorry, Mercedes, anything you say after that is invalid. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF KURT (OR BLAINE) ASKED (& PAID) YOU TO SERENADE THEIR BOYFRIEND? WOULD YOU BE A TOTAL HYPOCRITE & BE OKAY WITH IT? HUH?

(Yeah, okay, I don't really like Mercedes,, after season 1. Did her character change, or did I just get tired of her?)

Joe: "I try not to judge anybody, but honestly, I've never met anyone who's gay."
Quinn: "Oh, I guarantee you have."

I just liked the quote, thinking Quinn was probably referring to Kurt, Britt/Santana but as I was typing it & thinking how Quinn said it, my mind just started screaming FABERRY! ;P

Funny story (at my expense): This girl, about 22 or so when they started working there, & an "older" woman (35-ish), started working at my job on nights several years ago, now. They'd worked together at another nursing home facility, & their schedules were the same, & they drove to work together, liked taking their breaks at the same time (which they could do since they worked opposite sides of the building). They're best friends, and I never really thought anything of it. My mom's friends with a woman who's about 20 years older than her, I have both older and younger friends, etc. Whatever.

I think they'd worked there at least a year before 1 night, another friend (who I'd been classmates with actually, & had been casual friends with even before we started working together--she's good friends with my cousin/BFF, too) was saying how she'd been talking to a male coworker (few & far between, those are), & he said something about them being friends, & Elycia was like "...yeah, they're girlfriends." (something like that, whatever she'd said, it was just ambiguous enough that I wasn't sure) & he was just gobsmacked. I laughed...but then I couldn't stop thinking about it. Because like Santana pointed out, the term 'girlfriend' can be used in different contexts, and they acted like really close, good friends, but I act the same way with Ivy & Kim. So about half an hour later when we were free, I got up the nerve to ask her to clarify, & she's like "No, they're together." I'm like holy shit, how did I not realize that? I remember, for like weeks afterward, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Like, oh, they're lesbians. So much for being accepting, when faced with it in real life it was embarrassingly hard for me to get over. Not that I was against it, but it's one thing to write about fictional characters, it's another to be faced with it in real life.

(of course, I've talked with the older lady, Heather after that, & they do try to be very discreet, despite everyone they've really come across being very accepting, even her partner's family: Nikki had been SO SCARED about telling her family, but now apparently her mom is really good friends with Heather, & everyone gets along really well.)

But I looked/felt like this when I found out:

Mercedes: "They say that 1 out of every 10 people is gay. If that's true, that means 1 of the 12 apostles might have been gay." MIGHT HAVE, yes. That's not really how percentages work in real life, though. And seriously, if I wanted to listen to religious people talk about homosexuality, I'd go talk to my father. I AM AVOIDING THAT, STOP MAKING ME HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS SHIT ANYWAY. I like my dad a hell of a lot more than you, Mercedes.

"And my guess is Simon, because that name's the gayest." WOW. Lol, that was funny, intentional or not. (Also: dig at Simon Cowell? First Simon I thought of.)

QUINN, I FUCKING LOVE YOU. KURT LOVES YOU. If Blaine can be besties with Santana, Kurt should totally be besties with you. You were RAISED CATHOLIC and you're pro-gay. That says more for you than Rachel being pro-gay. I'm sorry, it does. Rachel's been RAISED as pro-gay as you could possibly imagine, of course she's pro-gay. Considering she was going to the chastity ball & the brief glimpse of her parents we've seen, I'm thinking they weren't entirely tolerant people, regardless of what denomination they are. (I was raised Church of Christ: people are always talking smack about Catholics, but trust me, they are NOT the only intolerant church. & I've met several Catholics, online & IRL, who are probably the most tolerant/awesome people I've met.)

Quinn: "You know what else the Bible says is an abomination? Eating lobster, planting different crops in the same field, giving someone a proud look. Not an abomination? Slavery. (ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION, MERCEDES?) Jesus never said anything about gay people, that's a fact."

Sam: "Well maybe he wanted to, but he didn't wanna hurt Simon's feelings." OMG, I am kind of loving this conversation. XD Sam can be precious.

Quinn: "You know what? That's totally fair. You have to look at the hard topics and dilemmas and be honest and truthful. If you ask me, that's what being Christian is really about."

GDI, Quinn, you're going to make me cry! Proud, happy tears, mostly. No matter how I feel about some of your other life choices recently, I seriously, SERIOUSLY fucking love you right now. (Now if only the writers could be consistent with your character...ugh.)

I'm sorry, I just...really feel nothing for Mercedes. I feel like a bad person, people seem to really like Mercedes/Samcedes, & I'm just like *blanklook*. They were cute at the end of S2. Now I'm just like "No chemistry, boring, boring, don't care." I guess I just don't connect to Mercedes.

Aww! Don't cry, Sammy!

Okay, I'm just laughing at the Berrys putting on a show for the Hudson-Hummels. XD Burt probably just sitting there with that indulgent little smile on his face he gives Kurt so often, like "I have no idea what's going on, but I'll go along with it." /loves Burt muchly.

Finn: "How come we never do this? =D"
Carole's face!! XD

Carole's all *stand up, Burt, be polite*

"I told LeRoy, they sold us the wrong lube, that's why it's squeaking, uh, when we start going really fast."

LeRoy: "...excuse me, Hiram...what are we talking about?" OMG SO GLAD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HEARD THE DOUBLE INTENDRE IN THAT ENTIRE EXCHANGE! I figured it was Hiram trying to be polite and talking about something he knows Burt knows, ie cars...but seriously, you're gay, & talking about lube & rubber & going fast. O_O (I know, I know, I’m sure the writers did that on purpose, but LeRoy actually pointing it out was priceless!)


(Actually, Jeff Goldblum could just stand there & read the telephone book & I would be enraptured.)

DUDE, UP WITH PEOPLE!! I got to see them when I was about 12 or so!! I have the album from that show still, actually. /random /boring

Late 20s/early 30s (I'm assuming he means 1 of them was late 20s, the other early 30s, not that he can't remember how old they both were & has to be vague.) Rachel's...17, 18? Even at 18, that makes them in their 50s somewhere, at least. (I like to know these things, Idk.)

Umm, why did he say "husky" like that? Am I the only 1 who heard a veiled insult, or at least a not-compliment there? (So obvious Hiram isn't as pleased about the whole thing as he's letting on, & of course Jeff Goldblum pulls it off so subtle & beautifully, you only catch the very edges of it. Big surprise, I love Jeff Goldblum's acting performance in this.)

Hiram: "Let me tell you the secret of a long and happy marriage: Never go to bed--without moisturizing!"

I am just loving Carole's reaction faces in this. (That’s just where I happened to pause it to write something, but this was a split-second before her look of surprise, it was funny.)

Hudson-Hummelberry. Hudmelberry? *let's see how many names we can squash together at once!!*

I'm sad, where's Kurt? I realize he's not a parent of Finn's, but he's family, too, he should be there! (Is it too much to ask that he's visiting Blaine? *headcanon now*) what?

"That's right, you heard me: teenage lovemaking."
(Can I just sit here and ogle Jeff Goldblum for a little bit? HIS FACE, THOUGH.)

OMG, they're all in on this! I thought it was just Hiram trying to make a point, possibly with LeRoy's approval/knowledge. So glad to see the parents are all talking together.

Also, this is from further back in the ep, but I want Kurt's thoughts/the conversation when he tells Rachel's dads about the engagement. Oh! Oh my God! I just realized, that means there was ACTUAL INTERACTION between Kurt & Mr.s Berry, even if it was off-camera! Proof! Actual proof that they've spoken!!

LeRoy: "Hiram and I are gonna stay here. But we're, gonna put on some music...just so you don't think we're...trying to listen in." Well, no, we hadn't until you'd mentioned it, thanks. won't let him poop? Uh, isn't like the movies. Bathrooms are used for more than just showering and beauty maintenance. Surely you have to go #2 every now & then. Surprise! Finn is the same way. Welcome to the wonderful world of the human anatomy. (You are so going to bomb as a mother, I just want you to know.) (I can be amused at this, because while I’m not a mother, I deal with bodily functions ALL NIGHT LONG. Shit (literally) happens. Among other things.)

XD I just burst out laughing at that! XD

(said a la James Bond villain voices:)
Hiram: To you, Mr. Berry.
LeRoy: And to you, Mr. Berry.

Ugh, awkward Kurt/Karofsky talk.

Kurt’s outfit, though! ♥

…so, the waitress thinks that Kurt’s “cutie” is a giant gorilla? I totally don’t get that “…wouldn’t be too sure about that” line.

Someone on Tumblr mentioned that Ohio didn’t have a See’s, so it would be Malley’s-I didn’t know what they were talking about until I heard Kurt mumble “Ooh, See’s candies”. I’d just like to say, I’m positive Wal-Mart sells See’s Valentine’s Day candy, & I bet a lot of other retail stores do, too, regardless of whether they do the rest of the year, or if there’s a “local/nearby” manufacturer. It’s called shipping nation-wide. Anyway.

…yeah, I have issues with the whole Karofsky-liking-Kurt thing, like I’ve seen people on Tumblr talk about. It doesn’t hit home as for me as much as it does a lot of others, but…no. It’s just not cool, that barely a year later Kurt’s tormentor can tell him he likes him and expect ANYTHING out of it. Kurt’s already gone well above and beyond what anyone should expect of a trauma victim, apparently completely forgiving Dave for what he’d done…but just, no. As I saw someone on Tumblr say, “We get enough ‘stalking = true love’ bullcrap from Twilight.” It just-bothers me. Anyway.

Karofsky: “I haven’t come out at school yet, but maybe I will next year…” …no, tell me Karofsky isn’t a Junior? Dammit, isn’t ANYONE older than Kurt?! Jesus!

LeRoy: “I like Carole after three chardonnays!” Heehee!

Hiram: “What, is he defiling our baby?”
LeRoy: “Do you need a Xanax?”
Hiram: “I already took three.”

I just love Jeff Goldblum’s delivery of that line, so blasé! (Also, Xanax only calms you down, it doesn’t get rid of the anxiety, just buries it. He’s acting calm, despite still worrying.)


Sugar: “And P.S., he[Daddy] is not in the mafia.” Lol. No, apparently he’s completely super filthy rich from selling pianos (& other instruments?)

I love Quinn’s dress. It’s very pretty.

So, “Cherish/Cherish”. Who’s is the second “Cherish” in the mash-up? What artist sings it? Because I know the 1st “old” Cherish song (that most of Glee’s watchers probably don’t, young’uns). I’ve loved it for years, it’s on a Love Songs compilation set I have. But I don’t know the other song, and I don’t like the way it’s “mashed-up”. /sigh

Although watching it in-episode, I will say it’s growing on me.

Aww, poor Kurt. Once again, alone on St. Valentines’ Day. Or wait-IS HE? ;D

Sugar: “It’s time for my extra-special guest, back from the dead, and cute and compact as ever!”


Oh, dear God, somebody please tell me there are GIFs of Blaine’s face as he’s singing about “I got me a car, it’s as big as a whale” etc. Because seriously, those faces are EPIC. *must search Tumblr later*
Edit: YAY, Tumblr is my savior once again!

The tie-grab! That is real intimacy right there-Kurt let him touch his clothes and live!

Can we just look at his arms for a minute? God, I have a serious thing for Chris Colfer’s arms. I have a thing for pretty much any guy with a “swimmer’s build” - i.e. lean, but obvious, muscles. Basically, Chris Colfer’s exact body type. Guh.

Okay, now on to his face. When he does that little shimmy-dance with Blaine, and this picture shows it, he’s making his “patented ‘sexy-face’”-really, it’s the SAME FACE he makes in Sexy, except here he’s feeling it, and it is oh-so-damn hot! Kudos to Chris for being able to pull off acting like that. (As if I needed more proof that he’s a damn fine actor.)

One: I love Kurt’s face. Like, all the time, but especially here. Again, he’s feeling/looking so confident, and it turns into sexy.
Two: I love how Blaine’s dancing around behind him and literally doesn’t take his eyes off Kurt. <3!!

Just-just here, have some Klaine picspam:

Kurt: Miss me, lover?
Blaine: Like you wouldn’t believe, doll.


And, of course, the obligatory:

So, my thoughts on the episode:

I LOVED IT! Of course, as with any Glee episode, even my favorites, there are parts I wasn’t fond of. (Kurtofsky.) But even the dreaded/hated “GodSquad” sections weren’t terrible, Glee actually managed to handle it gracefully, for the most part, something they seem to have forgotten how to do, recently. I didn’t like the fact that Mercedes was questioning whether they should sing for a gay couple, but part of that was because I thought it was more because of her own beliefs. Watching the entire section, I think she was more worried about what other members of her church would feel/think about it, not so much that she was against it. I…kind of got the impression she was afraid the GodSquad might be perceived as “promoting” homosexuality by being inclusive and accepting. Again, as Santana pointed out, it’s a horrible double-standard. They sing to het couples, why not gay? It’s okay to be supportive personally, but when you’re representing a group, your ideals shouldn’t change. I did appreciate that in the end, not only did they serenade Brittany for Santana, they did it at Breadstix, which just seems more “public”, even if it was during a private high school party. “Love is love.” Amen.

I think I covered everything else in the commentary. To sum up: OMG JEFF GOLDBLUM!! XD Seriously, Mr.s Berry NEED to be in more eps. Not only because hello, Jeff fucking Goldblum, but the characters are awesome, their dynamic is incredible, and I totally believed that they were an old married couple. As I keep saying, I’ve thought of the Berrys as Klaine 1.0 for a while now, and this just makes me think it even more. Blaine and Kurt are SO gonna be like that when they’re in their fifties. (Only it’ll be Kurt having dreams about Patrick Dempsey, & Blaine giving him crap about it XD)

Speaking of: BLAINE IS BACK! \o/ Disappointed the only Klaine we got was during the song performance, and Kurt was as shocked as everyone else when he first showed up-but I can see Blaine keeping it a secret maybe, wanting to surprise him. I maintain that Kurt knew he was healing nicely/almost completely healed, though. They’re not only a close couple, they’re best friends. Kurt would know, okay? Anyway.

Sam/Mercedes: don’t care.

…I think that about covers it. Let me know your thoughts!

glee commentary, glee, glee spoilers

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